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Last run of BJFE PGC

Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:52 pm
by thesjkexperience
Does anyone know if Bjorn changed the formula for the BJFE PGC to add more compression/sustain? I got a backup from the last run and it seems rather different than the other one I have had for 8 months or so. I didnt play it long, but when set at the same levels they are more different than should be happening via component values.
So far I just might like the new one and it seems to do well at lower Voltages where the earlier version I needed at 15 - 18 Volts to really get the bass going.
Re: Last run of BJFE PGC

Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:55 pm
by Your name here
That's interesting... I read about the Bearfoot PGC v2 tweak as well... I wonder if this is along the same lines? Hmm...
Re: Last run of BJFE PGC

Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:56 pm
by Justen S
Interesting. I recently received a PGC and was surprised how much comp there is. Maybe he did tweak it?
Re: Last run of BJFE PGC

Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:58 am
by thesjkexperience
I just looked I have PGC #258 & 260! I think that would nail down the transition area pretty well!
Re: Last run of BJFE PGC

Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:39 pm
by Justen S
I have 267. Do you find the eq of 258 to be different? Or just the amount of compression?
Re: Last run of BJFE PGC

Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:45 pm
by thesjkexperience
I have had a chance to mess around a bit more and at a reasonable volume. I would say my 258 PGC is very similar to the other PGCs I have tried and it is not lacking in any way.
The new one, 260, is louder, has more compression/sustain and works well at 9 or 18 Volts. It also has a slightly dirtier sound which reminds me of the SBEQ. To my ear the new one with the compression knob at 9:30 ish is similar to the older one at noon. And, while the new one has more compression it still feels and sounds like a PGC and not a dyna-comp, ross or other compressor that really clamps down and then seems to swell in volume.
Re: Last run of BJFE PGC

Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:52 pm
by Justen S
Hmm I bought the PGC for sweetening rather than really compressing. Would I be better off with one like 258?
Re: Last run of BJFE PGC

Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:49 pm
by thesjkexperience
Im not sure, but I hope to get some playing time in this weekend and I will run them both at even higher volumes and left you know.
Re: Last run of BJFE PGC

Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:58 am
by Logan
Not completely apples to apples, I'm on the latest BF tourbox with the V2 PGC & will be able to compare to my BJF PGC (sub #250). Pure speculation, however it seems the release of BF PGC V2 coincides closely with the latest run of BJF PGCs...
Re: Last run of BJFE PGC

Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:20 am
by thesjkexperience
Logan wrote:Not completely apples to apples, I'm on the latest BF tourbox with the V2 PGC & will be able to compare to my BJF PGC (sub #250). Pure speculation, however it seems the release of BF PGC V2 coincides closely with the latest run of BJF PGCs...
I ACTUALLY DROPPED BY TGP TONIGHT AND SAW THE (oops!! sorry!) Western Tour Box thread and everyone liked the sound of the BF PGC v2, but many wanted even more volume. I can say for certain that neither v1 or v2 BJFE PGC lacked volume! When I play louder I run the compression around 10 o'clock for v2 and 11 for v1 and neither Volume knob was past noon and I was definitely above unity volume.
I believe I got #258 in February of this year and #260 a week ago, so yes, both brands seemed to do a v2 drop at the same time! I am surprised that neither Bjorn or Donner have made a comment here. Bearfoot was not hiding the fact that they changed to v2 though I really didnt think that BJFE would also change. I thought the change was made in reaction to customer comments. The great thing is v1 or v2 you cant go wrong!