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PGC - Anyone compare bjfe with bf?

Tue Aug 07, 2012 6:13 pm
by Pinegreen
I have the first bearfoot version of the PGC.
In the near future I will have the chance to buy one by bjorn.
I will not have the chance to try before I buy. Is there any diffence at all in the sound?
The seller tells me that the bjf has more gain. Thoughts?
Re: PGC - Anyone compare bjfe with bf?

Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:23 pm
by cajone5
Never tried the Bearfoot but the BJFe is stellar

Re: PGC - Anyone compare bjfe with bf?

Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:52 am
by Joeleo
I just got a used Bearfoot v1 PGC after trying the v2 in a tourbox. It's been a few months since I owned the BJFE, but the v1 is VERY similar to what I remember. The v2 sounded much more transparent. You may be right about the v1 having more gain than the BJFE, but i'm not 100%. But the v1 sounds exactly like I remember the BJFE sounding, and imho the v2 sounded sterile by comparison, no matter how the knobs were dialed in.
Re: PGC - Anyone compare bjfe with bf?

Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:33 am
by Seiche
this thread was bound to happen.
of course they sound totally different and the bjfe is much better

Re: PGC - Anyone compare bjfe with bf?

Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:09 pm
by rasputin1176
Currently have BJFe Pine Green Comp. Only had the revised version Bearfoot PGC v2. On its own it's a great pedal, but I hands down prefer the original. I do think it had more coloration. I also think the range of compression is perfect, no bad settings, & can still get a good amount of compression. I never even run it full up that often. Plus it's ability as a boost is killer. The BF v2 has much less volume. The BJFe just was much easier to dial in.
I never got to own the BF v1 PGC but most have said its very similar to the BJFe. Demos sound great. I just prefer to hear in person if possible because so many great pedals have subtleties that don't transfer thru videos, u have to hear them in person.