Baby Blue Pedal

Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:38 pm
by Pat
Hi, I'm a new member. I am interested in knowing about my Baby Blue pedal. It is signed only BJ, instead of BJFE, and it is dedicated to..."Fred"??? Also, the serial is FT035. I got it in a Dina Red box with the text crossed out. I attach some pics of this pedal.
Re: Baby Blue Pedal

Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:55 pm
by cannikin
I'm Fred... I want baby blue returned
Welcome Pat - Very cool BBOD! Your are lucky enjoy it. Bj will probably chime in at some point with the details if he remembers.
Re: Baby Blue Pedal

Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:21 pm
by Your name here
Wow... That's really cool. I'd love to own a BBOD... Hopefully, one day.

Re: Baby Blue Pedal

Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:37 pm
by Pat
Thanks for the welcome Cannikin...!!! The little I know is that Bjorn is God... He created "Baby Blue" and gave it to his father Fred... Fred put him in a cradle and cast it into the river... Then a king found it, listed BB on eBay and that is how he came to me... I'm not 100% sure about this story... That is why I am trying to find the truth...

Re: Baby Blue Pedal

Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:19 pm
by Joeleo
Pat wrote:Thanks for the welcome Cannikin...!!! The little I know is that Bjorn is God... He created "Baby Blue" and gave it to his father Fred... Fred put him in a cradle and cast it into the river... Then a king found it, listed BB on eBay and that is how he came to me... I'm not 100% sure about this story... That is why I am trying to find the truth...

Sounds like you'll fit in here just fine. Welcome aboard!
Re: Baby Blue Pedal

Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:04 pm
by Hulakatt
Pat wrote:Thanks for the welcome Cannikin...!!! The little I know is that Bjorn is God... He created "Baby Blue" and gave it to his father Fred... Fred put him in a cradle and cast it into the river... Then a king found it, listed BB on eBay and that is how he came to me... I'm not 100% sure about this story... That is why I am trying to find the truth...

If I'm honest, that may be the best way to receive a BJFe pedal! Anyway, very nice catch there and welcome to the world of Bjorn! There's a lot of interesting info floating around here.
Re: Baby Blue Pedal

Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:02 pm
by duaner58
Nice snag!!!
BBOD is by far my favorite bjfe to date!!! I recently acquired one as well and its one of the first boxes that sounded great as soon as it was put in my chain and one that I had to take the time to explore. Sometimes you just "know" within minutes when a OD/Fuzz isn't going to work and this was NOT the case with the BBOD. Immediately I knew it was a keeper and solved a bunch of "tone riddles" for me!