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Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:54 pm
by Barnaby, Hardly
Hey guys.
Those of you with a Klon - just out of interest, are you running HB > Klon or Klon > HB?
I'm yet to try my HB out with my Klon and was keen to hear of people's stacking experience and settings.
FWIW, I'm running them into a clean silverface Fender Vibrosonic and playing a Gibson LP with P90's...

Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:28 pm
by DocRock
I think either combination can yield interesting sounds. Try it out for yourself, and let us know what you come up with!

Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:02 pm
by EyeFly
I like the Klon first personally with the gain set at about 9 to 10, the treble at 12, and the output just above unity....I then play around with the settings on the HBOD. But, I am quite certain you will find some nice tones by reversing the order as well.
I seem to prefer most of my OD's prior to the HB for some reason....

Fri Nov 30, 2007 1:55 pm
by Barnaby, Hardly
Thanks for the tip cork. I usually run the Klon last in my chain so it'll be interesting to try your suggestion...
Looking forward to getting back to the practice room with the HB and a Fetto Deluxe to add to my board!

Sat Dec 08, 2007 4:15 pm
by bjjp2
I run the HB into an Xotic RC Booster. It really opens up and adds shine to the HB.

Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:22 pm
by Barnaby, Hardly
EyeFly wrote:I like the Klon first personally with the gain set at about 9 to 10, the treble at 12, and the output just above unity....I then play around with the settings on the HBOD. But, I am quite certain you will find some nice tones by reversing the order as well.
I seem to prefer most of my OD's prior to the HB for some reason....
Thanks for the suggestion Cork - it definitely sounds better hitting the Honey Bee...
They work great together!

Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:15 pm
by horsehead75
Great suggestions, especially with Klon. I have two HB?s and Klon. Firstly, I like HB>HB stack: both dialed bit differently. Most of all, the tone pot does the trick, dialed CCW 08.00. There?s a slight boost and it?s the "honey end" of HB.
When I use only one HB, it?s allways dimed all the way, works nice with the dynamics & volyme pot.
Klon is mainly clean boost for the HB?s.
This stack covers my need of the overdrives in most of circumstances.
My gear: ?52 RI Tele 1982 > Vox AC30/TB

Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:47 pm
by Realfi
horsehead75 wrote:Howdy,
Great suggestions, especially with Klon. I have two HB?s and Klon. Firstly, I like HB>HB stack: both dialed bit differently. Most of all, the tone pot does the trick, dialed CCW 08.00. There?s a slight boost and it?s the "honey end" of HB.
When I use only one HB, it?s allways dimed all the way, works nice with the dynamics & volyme pot.
Klon is mainly clean boost for the HB?s.
This stack covers my need of the overdrives in most of circumstances.
My gear: ?52 RI Tele 1982 > Vox AC30/TB
Two HB's...that seems very greedy!

Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:20 pm
by Donner
The HB will react differently depending on where it is ---
If its first you get more hand/guitar control interaction witht he dynamic distortion/EQ....
If t he Klon is first it will push the HB harder and farther into its opened up place with more treble and drive present, but you wont get as dynamic a response (which can also be useful.....)
Re: stacking suggestions for the Honey Bee

Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:41 pm
by NewarkWilder
Can anyone suggest any more good stack options for the Bee? I'm looking for a low/mid gain drive to run before the Bee to hopefully achieve some really smooth and warm sustain. The Bee of course does this nicely already but I need to find a good option akin to a Timmy--but hopefully a little cheaper and more readily available. I tried a Screwdriver and to my surprise it just wasn't the sound I was really looking for, so I'm trying to go in a different direction. Was looking at the NOC3 Pure Drive as well but it seems to be sold out pretty much everywhere. Anyone have any other suggestions?
I do intend on picking up a MP SBOD at some point as well but thats gonna be a bit down the road.
So, any quick-fix ideas that might fit the bill?