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Re: Anyone try the tweaked PGC yet?

Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:12 am
by Pinegreen
Joeleo wrote:So, I'm playing the v2 PGC that came in one of the TGP tourboxes, and it seems way different from either of the BJFE PGC's I have owned. Donner, am I right that the middle knob on here is a traditional 'tone' knob instead of the 'body' knob that was on the BJFE version? It's a really nice pedal and all, it's just striking me as very different from what I was expecting. Is the Bearfoot v1 pedal more directly comparable to the BJFE?
V.1 is an "exact replica" of the bjfe.
Can you give a review of v.2?
Re: Anyone try the tweaked PGC yet?

Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:40 am
by Donner
Back from vacation .....
Yes the body/eq knob now effects a wider range, balancing the highs and the lows, pre and post compression ..... Compression itself changes the EQ just because compression effects bottom first/most ............... so the Body and Compression controls are interactive and the effect of the body knob depends on the level of compression and the input signals original EQ.....
To increase the Compression, the Body knob also needed rebalancing --- you should be able to get the old sounds ~ just at different knob positions... and more options are now available.
Re: Anyone try the tweaked PGC yet?

Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:53 am
by rasputin1176
Just got my V2 PGC glow in the dark!! I'm loving it....
Now with that said, I do not have a version 1 to compare it to; however it is still very subtle and adds a nice thickening and sweetness to tone. I would guess all the sounds of original are in this box!
Donner is correct about a few early v2's slipping out with wire crossed causing body knob to function weird, & from online demos I can hear this to be true. The body knob when turned left on mine will not get muddy or unusable or "blanket on amp" effect. The body now functions just as original.
The Body knob & Comp knob are very interactive, also just as Donner mentions. Since this version has more compression range you may find that on higher comp range settings that adjusting Body knob opposite to what you may think will get u result you're after. Basically play around with both those knobs, if u change one adjust the other. There's a great variety available & I really dig it.
The gain/volume seems enough, again can't compare but I know it can still be used as a boost which is awesome.
Maybe the v1 sounds a little different, but from clips I've heard not anything to worry. This v2 I plan to be an "always on" pedal, works great that way, also stacks amazing with gain pedals like honey bee & egdm. I still have to keep my AnalogMan Bi-comp too. I love the Juicer side & for those who dislike Ross-style I believe the AM one is the best and much better than other variants. I'll still use the Bi-comp for real squash, but I have a feeling the PGC will be on my board much more just because of the use I can get out of it!
Hope that addresses some of the concerns I had myself. Believe me I'm picky, & when a pedal that's already great has changes made I normally don't like it. In this case I think they went out of their way to make sure it stayed great. Just ignore other reviews or demos that had those few PGC's with body knob wrong as its not a fair comparison.
Donner- thanks again & super fast shipping!
Re: Anyone try the tweaked PGC yet?

Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:58 pm
by Donner
... the goal for PGC+ or V2 was to respond to the feedback for more actual compression in the compressor .
To do that meant extending the range in the space available on the pot travel...
So favortie settings from v1 will be pretty different on v2 ....
When looking for your favorite setting on V2 you will have to turn the Comp knob well down ~ as much as from 3 oclock on v1 to 9 on V2
AND as increasing compression requires more gain - also turn the volume knob to compensate ....
AND as increasing compression changes EQ , you will also need to finally adjust the body/EQ knob as well ---- to the left of noon it adds bottom and then rolls off some treble to approximate the EQ of Old Ross comps as many use them for EQ adjusters as much as compressors...... and to the right of noon it adds the treble/sparkle AND adds bottom so you can maintain a full range signal post compression ........
( I put a + next to the serial numbers of the + version if youre wondering how to tell.....)
(oh and if youre mostly interested in the 'sparkle boost' settings of v1 I think the MGMVibe does this just as well and you get the modulation as a bonus )
... PGC+ IS the PGC now and there are no plans to make the early version as I think you get both in the + version and there are about 100 V1s for those that prefer it .... happy compressing
Re: Anyone try the tweaked PGC yet?

Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:45 pm
by rasputin1176
Donner- exactly, the older settings are there, you just need to set the knobs different. People should be really happy with it! I had those concerns & love it.
Everything Donner said about it is 100% accurate, heard it for myself.
Re: Anyone try the tweaked PGC yet?

Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:07 pm
by Pinegreen
Another question about PGC V2.
How much sustain does the added compression add?