thesjkexperience wrote:cajone5 wrote::
18 beautiful boxes
Those look nice !!!....I can't wait to build one !!!!!
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thesjkexperience wrote:cajone5 wrote::
18 beautiful boxes
cajone5 wrote:I think for many it will be their first project. And as far as "ordering" here is a list of the folks that expressed interest as of August some time...
Hulakatt wrote:As much as I want one of these I think I should back out and pass my spot on to someone else. I have my first child due imminently and I will be short on both the money and time I would like to put into the Cherry Buster. So Cajone5, you may remove me from the list and pass my spot on to the next soldering soul. Bothand
at the moment.
thesjkexperience wrote:He will be so sleep deprived he will forget what the pedal does! With our first baby, who just turned 8 last week, I was so tired that when I went down stairs to get some stored milk I fell asleep walking down the stairs!
I am glad Bjorn and Donner are covered! I have been here almost three years and this is the first Folk project, so I'm not sure how it works.
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