Bjfe's voltages

Wed May 16, 2012 9:59 am
by Andy
Hi guys,
I've read that the Bjfe pedals can works at different voltages..
I have a classical Boss 9 volt power-pack, the one that you can use with all the Boss pedal.. Can I use it for ALL bjfe's pedal that I'll buy in my life?? Now I have an Honey Bee and a Mighty Green Minivibe Deluxe, I can power both them with the Boss power-pack?
thanks a lot!

Re: Bjfe's voltages

Wed May 16, 2012 12:45 pm
by thiscalltoarms
Most likely. Here are all the voltages.
Re: Bjfe's voltages

Wed May 16, 2012 2:30 pm
by Seiche
don't know any pedal that needs below or over 9v, so should be fine!
Re: Bjfe's voltages

Thu May 17, 2012 8:36 pm
by Eugen_onegin
I've tried to SAG the voltage on HBOD, MH, and the CAF. Honestly, I haven't heard an over all noticeable difference. I have a Voodoo Lab PP2+ so I can SAG it down to about 4 but by then it sounds sapped of life. Tried to find a sweet spot around 7.5 but again, I don't notice much difference.
Does anyone have any recommendation on suffocating the headroom on the Model Hv1? I like the way it sounds with the volume pot around 12-2 but it's hard to mesh it volume wise with everything else in my rig. It's just so much louder then everything else.
Re: Bjfe's voltages

Fri May 18, 2012 1:06 am
by thesjkexperience
I have found the biggest changes is going from 9 to 12 or 18 Volts. Many of Bjorn's pedals get a fatter, tighter bottom and a sweeter top end at 18 Volts along with more headroom and less distortion. I also notice that the frequency mode goes up in frequency as you add Volts.
Pedals that sound great at 18 Volts: EGDM, SBEQ, RRB (I think), certain versions of PH and PGC.
Pedals that sound great at 12 Volts: DRD, MH v1, HBOD, SBEQ, EGDM, and the Bearfoot Honey Beeatch.
Just make sure you check and double check Bjorn's Voltage recommendations for maximum Voltage or you will be crying a river of tears!