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The Dyna Red Love Thread

Mon May 07, 2012 8:42 am
by Hulakatt
Who else loves them some Dyna Red? I've been really impressed with my Bearfoot DRD and finally picked up the BJFe DRD and wow! I love it! It is such a textured and dynamic pedal. It seems a fair bit of folks around here have one but no one really seems to talk about it much, any reason for that?
Re: The Dyna Red Love Thread

Mon May 07, 2012 8:59 am
by cajone5
I didn't really get the pedal until I picked up an older beat up nitro unit and really loved it. Had to sell it eventually in my grad school funding purge but it is an excellent distortion box for sure

Re: The Dyna Red Love Thread

Mon May 07, 2012 2:16 pm
by Donner
Yeah the DRD never gets the respect it deserves - I love it - but its like a basic flavor that we hear all the time and is easy to take for granted..... its like YEY!!! lets hear it for Strawberry !!!!! its not Sparkling Mango Pomegranite

but it sure can be satisfying

Re: The Dyna Red Love Thread

Tue May 08, 2012 1:28 pm
by Hulakatt
Yeah, it's like amazingly good chocolate ice cream. No matter how much better it is than other chocolate ice creams, it's still just chocolate and you forget how good it is until you bite in again and

Re: The Dyna Red Love Thread

Tue May 08, 2012 5:18 pm
by Seiche
contrary to many reviews I've seen, I've actually liked the Dyna Red Hot alot! Even better than the regular version.
Re: The Dyna Red Love Thread

Wed May 09, 2012 8:45 pm
by musicsoma
Interesting. I have heard nothing but praise for the Red Hot. Wish I had more time to try one out.
Re: The Dyna Red Love Thread

Thu May 10, 2012 12:54 am
by rockeroo
For me, the red hot was much more gain than I really use normally, but it was truly impressive to have such vast dynamic gain at my finger tips. I found an older DRD, and I believe the Marshall-tone is quite spot on. The true amp-like character is exactly what I hear in my head for those sounds. They both represent something most Marshall based pedals cannot create. Probably overlooked because they lack the sex appeal of other, more rare creations of Bjorn, but they, like ALL of his work, are of incredible quality and inspiration.
Re: The Dyna Red Love Thread

Thu May 10, 2012 3:28 am
by Seiche
rockeroo wrote:Probably overlooked because they lack the sex appeal of other, more rare creations of Bjorn
hey, the DRHD has one of the coolest paintjobs ever
I know that's not what you meant, though.
musicsoma wrote:Interesting. I have heard nothing but praise for the Red Hot. Wish I had more time to try one out.
there were a few people in the tourboxes that didn't like it/it didn't work for them.
Re: The Dyna Red Love Thread

Sat May 12, 2012 6:35 am
by Donner
Yeah the RedHots EQ it thinner overall than the Honey Bee/st and H so I think when people compare the two the Red Hot doesnt have the thick satisfying sound ---- in a way its almost a fuzz and sounds more like a Gilmour type fuzz than an over drive ...
What I love it for is stacking, into the HB or SBEQ ... much like the Cliffhanger in this respect, love to kick it in for solos....
and contrary to its name it is really tasty on low dynamic dirt, but most people dont try that because of the name

Re: The Dyna Red Love Thread

Sat May 12, 2012 9:06 am
by musicsoma
That's funny you mentioned that stack. I was just talking about the incredible sound that comes from the DRD into the HBOD. I used the DRD to control the mids and highs, then used the HBOD nature knob to bring out the bass. It felt like I had an SBEQ in there when in reality it was just the two classics.
I'm really glad this thread was started. I am the first to admit I have overlooked the DRD in favor of other BJFE dirt. In the back of my mind I knew there were more DRDs out there than many of Bjorn's other designs. However, now that I have one on my board, it is quickly becoming my "go to" pedal for rock tones.