Re: The Dyna Red Love Thread

musicsoma wrote:That's funny you mentioned that stack. I was just talking about the incredible sound that comes from the DRD into the HBOD. I used the DRD to control the mids and highs, then used the HBOD nature knob to bring out the bass. It felt like I had an SBEQ in there when in reality it was just the two classics.
I'm really glad this thread was started. I am the first to admit I have overlooked the DRD in favor of other BJFE dirt. In the back of my mind I knew there were more DRDs out there than many of Bjorn's other designs. However, now that I have one on my board, it is quickly becoming my "go to" pedal for rock tones.
Yeah thats part of why all BJs designs stack so well is each has a different but complimentary EQ - so like with the DRD Treble control and the HBOD nature control you have a useful EQ stack.