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Bottoms up

Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:26 am
by Donner
... so Im wondering about this again....
over the past couple years things have changed a bit ..... now most people have real pro style pedalboards and use velcro right from the start....
Nothing is ever going to be as secure as velcro on naked bottom....
I am most likely going to stop painting at least the Honey Bee bottoms all together and maybe all of them --- Im also wondering if people even use the feet anymore.
Re: Bottoms up

Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:49 am
by MBT74
I love having the paint on the bottom. If I want velcro too I just use the method where you cut a velcro square but leave the backing on it so there's so sticky surface exposed. Then just cut a hole for the screw and screw the velcro onto the base. Works perfectly.
Hey Donner, what you need to create is pedal feet with velcro on them. Seems like the sensible compromise.

Re: Bottoms up

Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:53 am
by thiscalltoarms
I vote add $5 to the price ship with a bare bottom on it, and a standard separate in the box.
Re: Bottoms up

Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:06 pm
by Donner
... and of course Im just talking about Bearfoot , not BJFe....
Re: Bottoms up

Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:36 pm
by Your name here
I don't use velcro and I prefer a painted bottom. It just completes the look of the pedal to me. Also, I have absolutely no use for feet. I think the option of a bare bottom is a good one, though.
I think in the end, the people that complain about paint will still complain, as the bottom isn't the only area that's somewhat delicate. Maybe it's a no-win situation in that regard... Unless you decided to completely change the way Bearfoot pedals are painted - i.e. powdercoating or something... However, I along with many others would not want to see that happen. I'd much prefer to see Björn's rationale and story behind the painting method (which is a neat story) presented on the Bearfoot site as a fun glance into the inner workings, history and philosophy of BJFe / Bearfoot that would also serve as information in that area for those seeking it, as it seems an oft questioned topic.
Re: Bottoms up

Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:20 pm
by cajone5
I voted no paint no feet.
However my real preference is heavy duty black paint and no feet although I think the intent of "paint" was the normal pedal paint which I don't find necessary. Plus I dig the 2-tone look

Re: Bottoms up

Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:31 pm
by Hulakatt
I have very few pedals with velcro attached at this point (tuner, AB Looper/switcher and Analogman ARDX20). As much as I love anything else I trade them on and off my board depending on what amps or guitars I'm using and what kind of gig there going for. Especially with BJFe's I like to grab one or two and use them without my pedal board for lighter travel and that's when I really appreciate the feet on the bottom.
I like having the painted bottoms with feet but I can see the raw velcro'd bottom being really useful. It would be nice to have as an option when ordering.
Re: Bottoms up

Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:49 pm
by thesjkexperience
I don't give a rat's butt either way.
THe comment above did make me want to ask about why Bearfoot doesn't put goop on the pedals? Bjorn said his gooping (and lets face it the stuff that came on my recent BJFE PGC looks like chewing gum Bjorn collected from Swedish Supermodels) has saved pedals that got caught in the rain on outdoor stages. I think it would be great marketing to have a design philosophy page on the Bearfoot site as I know many are turned off by chipping paint and gooping, but when you understand the method to the madness it makes a whole lotta sense.
Re: Bottoms up

Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:18 am
by Pinegreen
I would suggest that if you keep painting them, you at minimum, put a warning note for the customer about paint removal from Velcro. As much as I dig my bearfoot PGC, I was a little disappointed that the Velcro ripped the paint off as I was repositioning it on my board. Bjfe devotees know this, but if bearfoot catches on to a wider base, this could lead to an perception issue in the vein of poor quality. Perhaps offering a pre-velcroed blank option instead of the paint? Similar to what you do know. Then charge additional if customers want a second painted back. Options are good to have.
Ive owned many pedals from small builders and this was the only pedal that had this issue. Is there some kind of primer you could use?
As far as feet go, I like having them in the box, with the optional install by the customer. Personally, I will probably never use them though.
Re: Bottoms up

Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:44 am
by amp boy
not painting the bottom....
so the overall picture, design of the pedal will suffer to appease idiots.
don't join the masses, even though they have the cash you may crave.
tough position.
the no brainer is to just offer the spare raw plate as you have been doing.
there will always be stupid people, just don't join them.
personally, i hate velcro, and never use the stuff.
The fact that this is an issue for discussion is really......well it points to a direction of compromise.....which puts a lower standard in my mind.