Re: Pale green compressor!
Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:03 pm
Donner wrote:Your name here wrote:If the transition to bare bottoms happens, can we can still have at least the option of a painted bottom? I don't use velcro. I usually screw my pedals down. If I have to use velcro, I use the diaper method because I like to keep the original bottom on the pedal.
We will see, I think it actually looks better as it picks up the exposed metal of the inouts and stomp....
Agreed -- I dig the 2 tone look. The only thing I think that would be better than bare bottoms would be ones painted in a more durable black paint so they can still accomodate velcro without issue. It'd match the knobs and text (similar to the way the bare ones sorta match the jacks and switch). The bare or black bottoms is definitely a big + IMHO