Cheers for the Mint Green Mini

My Mint Green Mini Vibe arrived a couple days ago. Haven't had time to do a side-by-side comparison with the old Mighty Green, but it sure sounds similar (as I'd expected, given Donner's assurance it was basically the same circuit). In any case, the comparison is irrelevant - the Mint Green simply sounds awesome. So happy to have one now that fits comfortably on the pedaltrain mini board. The Mighty Green stays on the big board. Life is wonderful.
As a trem/vibe fanatic (currently own and use two Magnatone amps, a Juke 1210, AC30 clone with trem/vibe channel, a Model 16 Leslie), I've long thought the MGMV one of Bjorn's most brilliant creations.
As a trem/vibe fanatic (currently own and use two Magnatone amps, a Juke 1210, AC30 clone with trem/vibe channel, a Model 16 Leslie), I've long thought the MGMV one of Bjorn's most brilliant creations.