Re: Cheers for the Mint Green Mini

Strat-o-lux wrote:
Haven't played a Skinpimp; I've seen some gutshots posted online - they look beautiful. My MKI was built by Tim Cooper ("Fuzzfaceless"). "Not of this earth" is a good description. I've never played anything else quite like it.
The MKI has an unusual attack/decay envelope, which may account for its not being so compatible with (some) other fx. The MKII is quite different in this respect.
I'll be interested to learn the result of your further experiments.
I went by my local bearfootpusher today with my board and guitar. Of course all the vibes were sold out

I googled your fuzzfaceless but could´t really find anything other than the guy who's houses his pedals. They sure look pretty!
I did try the fulltone MDV-2, that´s the one that look like a wha. I do like to control the speed with my foot as I done with the rotovibe. Similar to the rotovibe the fulltone did not sound very good through the MK1. Throbby mush all over..
I really got high hopes on the minivibe, i want it to work dammit.
Question: is the vibecircuit detachable? If it do live u to my high hopes i would wanna house it in a wha-enclosure.