Re: Cheers for the Mint Green Mini

In my experience MKI fuzzes are touchy with anything running into the input other than your guitar.
cantineboy wrote:^Yes they are indeed, thats why i wanted your input on the subject.
Little OT but for some reason they or at least mine really like the buffer in my Boss TU-2 wich is first in the chain. So I was thinking of putting the the tuner in between vibe and fuzz. Would this get the job done or is guitar signal already degraded by the vibe?
cantineboy wrote:Have you tried the vibe into a germanium fuzz?
I posted the same question over at the TGP in a tourboxthread but haven´t gotten a reply.
I have a mkI fuzz wich do not play nice with my rotovibe so i´m looking around for options and this has caught my attention.
cajone5 wrote:In my experience MKI fuzzes are touchy with anything running into the input other than your guitar.
cantineboy wrote:Thanks for the replies guys. Seems like i have some testing to do..
Will take my gear down to my local bearfootdealer and find out for myself.
Changing fuzz is not an option for me cause that MK1 is the fuzzsound that I been hearing in my head.
It even kicked the CAF off my board, so if something gotta go then the rotovibe has to go. By the way, Rotovibe into CAF was awesome!
I will report my findings on this subject.
cantineboy wrote:Have you tried the vibe into a germanium fuzz?
I posted the same question over at the TGP in a tourboxthread but haven´t gotten a reply.
I have a mkI fuzz wich do not play nice with my rotovibe so i´m looking around for options and this has caught my attention.
cantineboy wrote:^ It´s a Skinpimp "not of this earth" skinbender. Love that thing!
I think that BJFE/Bearfoot line strong suits is that they generally play very nice with other fx wich can not be said about this one.
MBT74 wrote:cantineboy wrote:Have you tried the vibe into a germanium fuzz?
I posted the same question over at the TGP in a tourboxthread but haven´t gotten a reply.
I have a mkI fuzz wich do not play nice with my rotovibe so i´m looking around for options and this has caught my attention.
I have a MkII Tonebender and run my BF Minivibe as a always on "tone enhancer" early in my effects chain (well before the MkII), so it's always on with the amplitude rolled off. It doesn't stop my MkII from sounding fantastic. In fact, the MiniVibe makes everything sound better (IMO).