Re: Bearfoot teaser pic

Man I can't wait to hear wahts going on with Bearfoot in this mystery open! Model G? MH? EGDM?
Donner wrote::mrgreen: nothing gets by you guys !!
between now and our first anniversary on 2/22/12 there will be some fun new things and I think at least one of them will be a mystery open, as a couple people here were into getting a new pedal blind, so I will offer that chance on one of these and see how it goes ........
cajone5 wrote::coffeenews
Hulakatt wrote:So are the mystery boxes painted? Are they the same as the final pedal without us knowing before we receive them? Do they have their own special paint job? I suppose I'll find out soon enough but just curious now.
Donner wrote:Hulakatt wrote:So are the mystery boxes painted? Are they the same as the final pedal without us knowing before we receive them? Do they have their own special paint job? I suppose I'll find out soon enough but just curious now.