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Re: Model H owners

Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:36 am
by Joeleo
I've been fiddling with a Bearfoot Model H the past few days. Really like it! To answer the question about the drive knob, if the current knob takes the gain from 0 to 10, I wouldn't mind seeing it go from -1 to 9. But that is really splitting hairs. I'm very happy with the pedal as-is.
Re: Model H owners

Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:49 pm
by Hulakatt
but lets be honest, is there anybody who couldn't use a bearfoot sbeq?

Re: Model H owners

Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:52 pm
by musicsoma
+1 on the SBEQ
Re: Model H owners

Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:13 am
by Strat-o-lux
How 'bout a treble trimmer a la EGDM as standard feature on the Model H?
I don't know that I really need a treble control out front, but a trimmer, so I can adjust for different guitars and amps, would be cool.
Re: Model H owners

Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:47 am
by Donner
Strat-o-lux wrote:How 'bout a treble trimmer a la EGDM as standard feature on the Model H?
I don't know that I really need a treble control out front, but a trimmer, so I can adjust for different guitars and amps, would be cool.
There was one on the BJF Model H2t and it goes between the V1 and V2 builds....... and thats whats on the 4H ......
I think its useful to have it outside if you change drive settings.....
and we have a 'no toggles or trimmers' pledge for the BearFoot offerings

Re: Model H owners

Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:23 am
by Strat-o-lux
Donner wrote:Strat-o-lux wrote:How 'bout a treble trimmer a la EGDM as standard feature on the Model H?
I don't know that I really need a treble control out front, but a trimmer, so I can adjust for different guitars and amps, would be cool.
There was one on the BJF Model H2t and it goes between the V1 and V2 builds....... and thats whats on the 4H ......
I think its useful to have it outside if you change drive settings.....
and we have a 'no toggles or trimmers' pledge for the BearFoot offerings

So, the "4H" is slated to become a permanent BearFoot product alongside the regular Model H? Or haven't you gotten that far yet, pending further research?
Great that you're working on these BJF variants that don't simply offer a "cheaper" alternative here in the US but actually expand the line of options.

Re: Model H owners

Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:31 pm
by Hulakatt
ok, now that I have a Model H to play with I would definitely like to have more range lower in the gain structure. I wish I could get an H with the bottom of the current gain knob being somewhere in the middle or as others have put it, -5 to +5. I guess I'm just not a gainiac?
Re: Model H owners

Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:38 pm
by thiscalltoarms
My experience with the MH was the same as Hulakatt in regard to gain. I found the most compelling gain tones between off to 8:30. For me, by the time you hit 9:00 is was too much. I think that's a function of the compression and mid eq structuring. That said, the 4k with the gain kknob just above off is one of the better lead tones when dialed in between the tone and treble knobs. Killer lead tones that are dirty but mostly just blooming sustain. I'd be interested in -5 to +5 gain range. More like the LGW as far as gain range I guess. I think I'd use a lower gain MH in much the same way as my LGW...