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BJF Green Apple Fuzz

Thu Sep 06, 2007 4:05 pm
by TheWarmth

Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:25 pm
by I am Incinerator
jeez, for that price you could buy two CAF's and have some scratch left over.
the coffee made me think this

Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:02 pm
by fugot
You know, I have only seen one CAF for sale in the last year. I guess custom sounds might stock them. But the exchange rate is so knarly right now for those of us paying with dollars, ....well it's all relative I suppose...
The PGC I got from custom sounds last spring, even with my bank 's exchange fee, for a total of $340 actually looks good right now. (I sure believe last month that same pedal was $430 mostly due to currency exchange rates)
The question that sort of determines price is whether there will be more or less BJFE pedals coming in the future? (and let me add, I think Bjorn has earned the right to do whatever he wants). I just mean, he builds terrific pedals, $500 is a lot, but so is $300 and we all can't get out the cash quick enough to buy a relatively more common PPF for that.
C'mon finnish elfs!!!!! peace, mike

Sat Sep 08, 2007 5:04 am
by BJF
Ah, you know the funniest part is that the Green Apple was made for the guitarist of Worm Wagon to use on stage and not to look as flashy as the Tasty Apple Fuzz he had and still has.
He said the bars he'd sometimes play at were not may be the most elegant to put it mildly but there was a possibility that gear could be snatched from off the stage if it got caught in the eye of certain people...........also the O was put for easy reference on stage to get the octave sound.
On another note, actually I haven't changed price for the last four years but exchange rates has changed many things.
There are about 70 caf units and while this model was first missunderstood as possibly a smooth fuzz??!! I am happy to note most have found good homes with people that appreciate what this model does and that may put sounds to use.
This model is still made, not sure what the backorder is actually I don't have access to backorderlist or orderlist, I just make the pedals.
Ah, and I have no comment on secondhandprices, as secondhand units are the property of the owners.Whatever I may think of that is not relevant. I have all along though offered help with any secondhand unit in trouble- there have not been so many and it's a good thing to make every unit fully working and I do try to build my pedals to last for a very long time.
Gentlemen have fun

Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:06 am
by TheWarmth
The CAF (#63, I believe) I purchased not long ago from Custom Sounds was about $345 including shipping. It's on my gigging board right now! I would freak if somebody tried to snatch it from me.