BearFoot Dyna RedHot Distortion Research

Over the years there have been many requests for various custom and tweeked versions of many of Bjorns designs.
The DRD is no exception.
So the BearFoot Dyna RedHot Distortion is a culmination of many of those requests that can be squeezed into to a single pedal.
This one is unique - it has a very wide range. Both the Dirt and EQ knobs cover about twice what you normally find on Bjs designs ...
It goes from the lightest almost no dirt to full on flamethrower.
The lowest range will roll with the low end of the Honey Bee dirt all the way up to Cliffhanger on 10 with low mids added ---
And the EQ knob goes from deep mud to full clarity and adds some lows and highs at the same time.....
Maybe this should be called the Dubstep Remix Distortion
Anyway if anyone is up for having the first test drive in research mode - same deal as the Beest $250 shipped and any updates are on me......
Post here .....
The DRD is no exception.
So the BearFoot Dyna RedHot Distortion is a culmination of many of those requests that can be squeezed into to a single pedal.
This one is unique - it has a very wide range. Both the Dirt and EQ knobs cover about twice what you normally find on Bjs designs ...
It goes from the lightest almost no dirt to full on flamethrower.
The lowest range will roll with the low end of the Honey Bee dirt all the way up to Cliffhanger on 10 with low mids added ---
And the EQ knob goes from deep mud to full clarity and adds some lows and highs at the same time.....
Maybe this should be called the Dubstep Remix Distortion

Anyway if anyone is up for having the first test drive in research mode - same deal as the Beest $250 shipped and any updates are on me......
Post here .....