So, Like many of you I have long wanted the Minivibe to go slower .....
The MV is tuned for its usable range ~ as usual BJ trims off the' bad' sounds so the whole range of the dials are usable .... very good practice I think, and no easy task.
His vibe is unique and one reason it sounds so good is its a combination of manipulations that arent apparent when listening.
Like when your seeing a beautiful green color you arent thinking of it as a combination/blend of blue and yellow --- its green right ?!?
Well its green until you get too close too it then you can start to see the individual colors ....
The vibe is like this except with speeds. at its available speed range it is nicely blended and is a most wonderful modulation ,,, but when forced to go slower the magic blend is lost and its no longer green but blue and yellow ....... ( still with me ? )
so with some adjustment it will go slower - but then the faster speed doesnt sound properly green ..... not really worth it to have just a slow speed mini vibe ~~~~~~ unless we could put it in a smaller box at a much lower price ~~~~~ maybe someday