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New BJF pedal containers

Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:57 pm
by Donner
BJFs are the sh*t and they are Bjorns babies so from now on they will ship in these : ... n=shopping
Re: New BJF pedal containers

Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:21 pm
by rockeroo
Sounds like these things can help protect from unnecessary spills.
Baby Bjorns in color of choice?
Re: New BJF pedal containers

Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:18 pm
by thesjkexperience
HA! We just sold a blue one and a pink one!
Re: New BJF pedal containers

Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:13 am
by Donner
thesjkexperience wrote:HA! We just sold a blue one and a pink one!
Are you serious ???
Re: New BJF pedal containers

Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:01 am
by thesjkexperience
Yes, remember I have 3.3 year old twins. We have a bi-annual Twin Sale where members get together and sell off all of our old items. My Wife got to talking and there is a new Mom that needed them, so we sold out. No more diapers! Ok, I should mention they have been out of diapers for 6 months now, but I still changed thousands of diapers! Pretty crazy.
Re: New BJF pedal containers

Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:49 am
by Donner
thesjkexperience wrote:Yes, remember I have 3.3 year old twins. We have a bi-annual Twin Sale where members get together and sell off all of our old items. My Wife got to talking and there is a new Mom that needed them, so we sold out. No more diapers! Ok, I should mention they have been out of diapers for 6 months now, but I still changed thousands of diapers! Pretty crazy.
Ah thats a great idea - kind of like there is a pet store that has something similar for pet owners --- sort of a swap meet and greet ....
and yup once youve changed diapers without flinching it readies you for just about anything the world will throw at you

Re: New BJF pedal containers

Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:52 am
by rockeroo
I know many that still flinch. I guess they are still not ready...
Re: New BJF pedal containers

Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:39 pm
by Your name here
My son just turned 7 months old today. Getting good at those diapers. Lol. He started to do something interesting lately, too... He grabs one foot with each hand and holds his legs up while being changed. Has anyone else's kid ever done this? My wife and I thought it was a bit weird, but we rolled with it. It's kinda awesome... Unless he lets go. Lol.
Re: New BJF pedal containers

Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:50 pm
by hawaii121
funny thread! my wife and I just had a baby 2 weeks ago. he loves bjorn's new packaging!
Re: New BJF pedal containers

Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:52 pm
by rockeroo
hawaii121 wrote:funny thread! my wife and I just had a baby 2 weeks ago. he loves bjorn's new packaging!
The boy must be a quick learner! Well done.