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BearFoot wikimanuals ?

Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:24 am
by Donner
I assume that people will find the good points of the pedals fairly quickly but I think it would be good to have a 'users tips', especially since many of these are going to people who have never had a BJF before.
I think it would be good to collect a sort of 'What would you tell someone just getting this pedal?'
I used to have a whole users section for settings and tips in the BJFe library .... perhaps something to go on the BearFoot site I could update periodically as a sort of Wikimanual .....
What knowledge would you want to pass on to new users for each of the BearFoot pedals ?
Re: BearFoot wikimanuals ?

Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:10 am
by rockeroo
I would recommend any user (of any pedal, but especially BJFE/BFFX) to really sit down with the pedal and explore the possibilities. Most any pedal can do something "right", but my conviction is that BJFE and Bearfoot products can do many things right if given the proper attention. Sometimes the most obvious settings will not be a favorite.
Take an hour or so and comb through as many of the possible settings (and voltages) as you can. Compare your favorites with a similar pedal and note the differences and similarities. It is important to get-to-know your BJFE/Bearfoot. Having a firm understanding of their capabilities will inspire and impress.
I had experiences of doing this with my HBOD, CH2 and FF DLX 3.5% and was able to uncover tones that continue to blow me away. At first go, I did not really like my Model Ht (#070!), but after some tinkering, I found at least 5 ways to utilize its warmth, aggression and subtlety.
Re: BearFoot wikimanuals ?

Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:31 am
by rockeroo
When I bought Bobby's DBD, he sent me over a BF DRD prototype he had, and I was very impressed. Although, it deterred me from pursuing a DRD, I thought the quality was exceptional. The gain was lush and warm, and the tone flavor was very nice. However, for me, I found that my MHt could provide me with what I was looking for -- especially having a variety of pedal/amp combinations to choose from for additional sonic refinement.
No one should be concerned with quality or integrity when purchasing Bearfoot pedals.
I do think it funny how the Bearfoot pedals are being tossed around eBay and TGP so feverishly. People are trying to break even or even profit off of pedals that Donner ships readily.
Excellent detail, Donner and BJ.
Re: BearFoot wikimanuals ?

Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:32 pm
by Joeleo
My advice, which is maybe overly-simplistic, is to make sure to adjust the volume after adjusting the Nature knob on the honey bee. The overall level diminishes as the nature knob goes clockwise, and our ears can hear "quieter" as "not as good sounding". This is a pretty commonly discussed phenomenon in pro audio circles. I know my first instinct with the HB is always to hear 3 O'Clock on the nature knob as being "wimpier" than, say 9 O'Clock, until I compensate for the change in volume.
Re: BearFoot wikimanuals ?

Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:41 pm
by duaner58
I know that on certain amp sites (Dr. Z being one of them) forum members compile a list of settings on their amps that a user could achieve certain sounds (Blackface, SRV, British crunch, americana etc..)
Besides a manual maybe have members fill out a SIMPLY formatted spreadsheet indicating what sounds they can achieve at these levels..
So for like the Model H
Townsend Hiwatt V 12n T 11o' D 9o'
Re: BearFoot wikimanuals ?

Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:48 am
by Donner
Yeah I want to do the user suggestions / knob settings and concepts ...... there is such a wide range of people to take care of .....
I guess there are things they all need to have...
I would like a basic structure for all of them and then the categories can have different content of course
Im thinking of
Intro - tech stuff
Knob tour
Suggested settings
maybe some links to videos -- or even doing the manuals AS videos
Re: BearFoot wikimanuals ?

Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:37 am
by rockeroo
A "video manual" would be a neat idea. You could take the same informational content of a written manual and illustrate it by video, perhaps using a amp/guitar combo suitable to the pedal (or using the same amp/guitar to keep things consistent). This would not necessarily have to be a 'demo'. It could simply illustrate how the pedal functions when certain adjustments are made.
Great idea!
Perhaps a favorite setting or two to inspire the user?