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Re: Purple Humper..

Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:40 am
by Donner
yeah we've talked about a number of possibilities for using it in other mixes .... I would like to put one in my favorite strat .... I used the old Clapton electronics for years and the PH sounds more appropriate and real ...... but in the end its best to have itt on the floor since I change guitars alot and it also works just as well on other pickups and is reall good to mix with fuzzes that need mids to cut thru ... but Im pretty sure it will end up in something

Re: Purple Humper..

Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:05 am
by scottcw
Has anyone compared the PH to the Demeter Fat Boost? Seems like the Demeter performs a similar function...
Re: Purple Humper..

Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:09 am
by voxdefiant
I am now officially dying to get a purple humper.
Is the Demeter anything like it?
PLEAZE release some humpers into the world asap.
Re: Purple Humper..

Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:00 pm
by jdandry
Bearfoot needs some dual pedals...PPH/DRD, RRB/EGDM...SWF/MH!...Just thinking out loud!
Re: Purple Humper..

Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:30 pm
by cajone5
Purple Blue Hump-E-Q?

Re: Purple Humper..

Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:20 pm
by Donner
Purple Humpty Dancer ?
Re: Purple Humper..

Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:38 pm
by scottcw
Is it safe to dance?
Got the PH yesterday and plugged in last night. See my signal chain in my signature. I found it to be a very subtle pedal. I ended up a bit above noon. This thickened things up nicely with about a 2db increase in volume. The jury is out as to whether this is a long term keeper. It is nice, but I don't know that I will use it enough to justify the cost.
Re: Purple Humper..

Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:49 pm
by Donner
scottcw wrote:Is it safe to dance?
Got the PH yesterday and plugged in last night. See my signal chain in my signature. I found it to be a very subtle pedal. I ended up a bit above noon. This thickened things up nicely with about a 2db increase in volume. The jury is out as to whether this is a long term keeper. It is nice, but I don't know that I will use it enough to justify the cost.
yup its a specialty pedal and one reason they werent regularly produced --- definitly try it before AND after your drives !! it also has a nice effect on modulations ...
Re: Purple Humper..

Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:11 am
by Bobby D
colourtones wrote:Hey Donner-
Jdandry got me thinking. How about a Bearfoot SBEQ Deluxe with a Purple Humper up front?
That would be fun.
sounds COOL....but i think many people would want purple humper first in chain, SBEQ at end....
Re: Purple Humper..

Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:03 am
by Donner
... one problem with EQs is the more bands you add the more phase cancellations you get and the more it sounds like a pedal ... you are usually better off subtracting than adding freqs ~~~ depends on why you are EQing but often you are better off dropping some low mids and adding a little gain rather than boosting treble --- or dropping bass and treble and boosting gain a bit than raising mids ..... but it is nice to have it on a dedicated stomp too and it remains pure as a booster.....
so yeah much more of a gain boost with your mid mid humper boost and it starts to sound fake