PPF has landed in Hawaii

I just plugged in the PPF and I really like it. I have owned few of the Cornish pedals and was curious how the PPF would compare to the G2. With the Cornish stuff, I am looking to fill the more violin, compressed, distortion/fuzz sounds on my board. When I think about BJFE, I tend to think about "dynamic" "organic" "sparkle" etc... In the first 2 minutes of playing it, I could tell the PPF is very different from any of the other BJFE drive I have owned in that it is capable of being more compressed.
We all know that Bjorn is clearly at the top of the game when it comes to pedals and right out of the gate I can tell I'm going to really enjoy playing the PPF. It will be another month or two (I'm guessing) before I have Cornish drives back on my board, but I can see how this and the G2 will be very interesting next to each other.
I'll be sure to post more as I tinker. Aloha
it's a good day!
We all know that Bjorn is clearly at the top of the game when it comes to pedals and right out of the gate I can tell I'm going to really enjoy playing the PPF. It will be another month or two (I'm guessing) before I have Cornish drives back on my board, but I can see how this and the G2 will be very interesting next to each other.
I'll be sure to post more as I tinker. Aloha