LGW question

Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:46 am
by Eskimo_Joe
I was wondering if the original BJF LGW is being discontinued in favor of the Mad Professor version of will both be offered? Thanks!

Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:53 am
by BJF
Yes, MP LGW will replace BJF LGW. I am pleased with how the MP LGW is made both mecahnically and electronically.
The MP LGW is a more or less a replica of the BJF LGW and it is also the only replica from the BJF line to be offered from the MP line, while there are more models coming from MP.
I gather the first LGW's has left the factory and are being packed with manuals as we speak.
There are currently many BJF models and more coming.
MP LGW will have the advantage of being more readly available through many dealers. Retail may also be little less.
As I see it MP pedals will be a complement to the BJF line and allow many more types of effects.
Currently there's also a Tremolo prototype on evaluation in Finland.
This will while not the same circuit take on the path of the discontinued SYT
Thanks for asking
At your service

Sun Mar 11, 2007 1:42 pm
by Eskimo_Joe
thanks for your reply!!! about how many LGW's were made?