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Re: Model G love... hat's off to Bjorn

Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:01 pm
by coldfingaz
The last thing I need is another OD, but... as a proud owner of killer little '60 GA-5, uh.... calling Bearfoot (or whomever's gonna help get this one out to a wider market)...

Re: Model G love... hat's off to Bjorn

Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:54 pm
by hawaii121
I'm lame and didn't record this weekend... I was just trying to do it at home, but the volume level I want for the demo might cause a riot from the neighbors. We're playing again in two weeks, I'll record a snippet for sure.
Ran the Model G through the effects loop with great results will see what happens with it up front. Sorry
Re: Model G love... hat's off to Bjorn

Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:43 pm
by SteveA
I have to say I love my MG! I had to sell a few pedals over the past few months but the MG just had to stay. the CHII as well! Love the MG.
Re: Model G love... hat's off to Bjorn

Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:21 pm
by mikepick
If have had a little time with the MG now. Its quite and interesting pedal. So far I like it much more than my HB DLX that I sold. Lots of different tones in this little guy. The MG reminds me of my Tweed Super. It's probably the most touch sensitive pedal that I have played. I like the Nature knob CCW. It really makes it sound big and gives a different texture to the overdrive. Great Blues pedal. I also find it to be a better stacker than my HB DLX was.
This is a pedal I would definitely like to add to my collection.
Re: Model G love... hat's off to Bjorn

Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:13 pm
by hawaii121
I'm with Mike - great blues pedal - has a real tweed spirit to it but seems more tonally dynamic than the HBOD. It also packs one hell of a volume boost to it.
Embarrassing confession... I have never owned an amp with an effects loop (until now) and had been running my MG through the loop. Now that it is in the proper position, I have to say, I like what happens when the MG is in the loop - more gain, not noisy, and very classic rock sounding. Go figure...
Re: Model G love... hat's off to Bjorn

Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:55 pm
by cajone5
hawaii121 wrote:I'm with Mike - great blues pedal - has a real tweed spirit to it but seems more tonally dynamic than the HBOD. It also packs one hell of a volume boost to it.
Embarrassing confession... I have never owned an amp with an effects loop (until now) and had been running my MG through the loop. Now that it is in the proper position, I have to say, I like what happens when the MG is in the loop - more gain, not noisy, and very classic rock sounding. Go figure...
Donnel, you should know there's no wrong way to do it! You just gotta use your ears

Glad you're still digging the G regardless of whether it's in the loop or out front

Re: Model G love... hat's off to Bjorn

Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:54 pm
by SteveA
The model G is a GREAT pedal. Definitely different than the HBOD though if you put the nature CCW and the "C" knob CCW as well you can get close. Its got a much richer and more refined drive. Not saggy like the HBOD. Probably my fave drive of the BJFE lineup

Lots of love for the SYOD and HBOD though !
Re: Model G love... hat's off to Bjorn

Wed May 25, 2011 5:08 pm
by jjguitarranch
I really like this pedal. BALANCED would be the one word I would use to describe it.
Re: Model G love... hat's off to Bjorn

Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:32 pm
by I am Incinerator
Man, I've been away for a while. This model G sounds like a great pedal.
sounds like a good canidate to get into the hands of some more peoples via Bearfoot!
I think I have all the fuzz I can handle, now I need to get back some OD's!

Re: Model G love... hat's off to Bjorn

Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:37 am
by alanbarley
I love my G. I set the drive at 9 and leave it on all the time. Now I wish I had two of them.