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What are you stacking your LGW with?

Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:51 pm
by jonnyrocket
Title says it all. I recently got a MP LGW (TLC272) and like it a lot. IMO the Body knob makes it very nice to stack with other pedals. How are you using your? What are you stacking it with?
Re: What are you stacking your LGW with?

Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:56 pm
by Donner
Ive always really liked the EQ on the LGW and found it great to run pedals that didnt match my rig as it would 'fix' that mismatch ---- so Id say try a pedal you dont comletely like into it and move the body knob.....
Re: What are you stacking your LGW with?

Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:05 pm
by musicsoma
I totally agree. The LGW is like the HBOD in that it can really take a wide variety of pedals and make them sound fantastic. It has been noted before, but the LGW is one of the best pedals to use after the BBOD. In fact, it's one of the only pedals with which I have found success stacking the BBOD. Another more obvious stack is the LGW into an HBOD. If you haven't already picked up an HBOD, Donner's version is quite affordable here in the US (read into this shameless plug)!
The LGW is a great pedal on its own as well. I was fortunate enough to purchase a BJFE LGW from Eskimo Joe here on the forum, and it was the pedal that got me hooked on Bjorn's magic. Since then, I have invested a small fortune in seeking after a few others. However, when it comes down to it, I think the LGW is perhaps the most underrated pedal in the line.
Re: What are you stacking your LGW with?

Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:57 pm
by ebenezer
musicsoma wrote: However, when it comes down to it, I think the LGW is perhaps the most underrated pedal in the line.
I totally agree! I've got a BJFE LGW and it stacks sooo well with all my pedals! I especially like it into my Skreddy Zero to help it cut through the mix a bit more. Anyway, the LGW is a monster pedal none the less

Re: What are you stacking your LGW with?

Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:31 pm
by jonnyrocket
Wow! I just found a magic setting (Volume at 10, Body at 9 and Drive at 9). With this setting almost every pedal i boosted with the LGW sounded great. My favorite was LGW>HBOD and LGW>DRD. I also liked LGW>Catalinbread WIIO, LGW>Catalinbread FN5. I also noticed something very interesting LGW(Body CCW and Drive CW)>DRD gave almost like a velcro type od/fuzz. Has anybody tried this?
Tomorrow i will try it after od’s to see how it goes. I am eager to see if it can tame my Fuzz Factory a bit and maybe even warm it up a little.
I also got a LF353N, NE5532P and OPA2134PA. Do any of you have experience with these? I know the LF353N was originally used by Bjorn and if I am not mistaken it has a more clarity and less compression. I also read somewhere that LED clipping occurs before it starts to distort. I am not sure what this means in terms of sound, but am looking forward to find out.