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Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:27 am
by Donner
With all the PGC lust lately, Im wondering if any of you have tried the MP FGC ?
Re: PGC and FGC

Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:00 am
by cajone5
I've been really digging my FGC lately. I have had it for a few months and really like it for the cleans. I run it pre-dirt currently to balance out the vibe/phase/autowah sounds a bit but thinking about running it at the end of the chain to balance out the volume on some of the more dynamic drives and to add a little eq-ability at the end. I've never tried a PGC though I hope to soon! Although the FGC has been keeping me quite happy in the meantime

Re: PGC and FGC

Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:21 pm
by jonnyrocket
I’m on the list for a PGC, so hopefully will get a chance to try it sometime soon and compare it to the FGC. I recently got a FGC and have been using it (at 12V.) for about a week and a half. So far i love it. It has definitely replaced the Barber Tone Press that i was using.
I have never really been a fan of compressors, as i always felt they killed my dynamics. The FGC in Sustain mode is great! I have it before dirt and it really helps. To my ears it has a very mild effects and it is hard to describe, but when it is off, i notice there is somethings missing. It doesn’t add as much sustain as i was expecting though.
I have also tried it on Comp mode and like it better than the Tone Press. The dynamics suffer a bit, but that is expected with a compressor.
Can’t wait to hear other experiences with these two pedals!
Re: PGC and FGC

Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:44 pm
by fugot
i totally dig the mp fgc...i have only had it for a short while, but i just might actually like it better then the pgc, or at least as much....yup, the sustain/compressor control is pretty cool. if i had a choice between pgc at $600-$800 or the fgc at <$200, I would be very happy with the fgc. of course if they were both free -that might be different...both the pgc and the new fgc (cb) are hiss free I might add. maybe that is why I like them both more then other compressors i have tried.
Re: PGC and FGC

Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:28 pm
by thesjkexperience
I am liking mine a lot and so far find it works equally well before or after dirt, but I am currently running before dirt at 12 Volts. I am pushing the other boxes a bit with the Level around 10:30 to 11, the Tone and Sustain at noon. Putting the Sustain at 3 at lower volume levels can be lots of fun!
I found at 12 Volts the highs were smoother and rounder and the bass much bigger. What is interesting is the light drive sound you get when only the FGC is on. FGC > SBEQ makes for fantastic cleans and with the right EQ can start getting acoustic like, but with a bit of great and sag.
It would be fun to have all the MP and BJFE compressors and a bunch of forumites and party!

Re: PGC and FGC

Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:10 pm
by williamh
you know, honestly the longer i have my pgc the more i realize i probably liked several other compressors i've owned more as far as what they do to my sound. On the flip side, i've yet to find a compressor that runs as quietly as my pgc and the lack of noise alone is enough to keep it on my board. It does what i need it to do, and is just quiet. Honestly i probably preferred the actual sounds from the fgc more.
Re: PGC and FGC

Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:22 pm
by musicsoma
I have an original 1974 MXR Dyna Comp. Has anyone ever done an A/B test between this and the PGC?
Re: PGC and FGC

Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:38 pm
by rockeroo
More on this... are there any A/B tests between the PGC and another compressor publicly available anywhere?
Re: PGC and FGC

Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:43 pm
by rockeroo
if not... can someone attempt to create one?
if no one is willing to, can you sell me yours, and i will go ahead and provide a couple vids?
Re: PGC and FGC

Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:04 pm
by orangeworker
musicsoma wrote:I have an original 1974 MXR Dyna Comp. Has anyone ever done an A/B test between this and the PGC?
i had one of the reissue jobs and its dynamics weren't nearly as good compared to the FGC, and was a bit more squishy no matter how you dialed it in. i haven't gotten the chance to play a PGC so i can't comment on that.