Re: Sooooo.... I may have just bought a Model R

jdandry wrote:Thoughts on the R vs DRD?
So far, going back and forth between the two on the Chimey Limey, these were my immediate thoughts:
-The DRD by comparison sounds tighter, more compressed, WAY more gain, and all the upper mids made it sound fizzier
-The R seems WAY more amp-like, with less gain and a much more even EQ spectrum slightly favoring the lower mids. Also, incredibly touch sensitive and open sounding.
-I don't get why these two pedals always seem to be mentioned together as being similar. They don't really sound very similar to me at all.
What was the most telling for me was when i went from the Nolatone back to my Silverface Twin. Prior to getting the Nolatone a couple months back, the Twin was my main squeeze and the DRD>Twin was my favorite rock sound ever. Well, A/B'ing the two pedals into the Twin, The R was again the clear winner for me, which i found surprising.
To my ear, the R sounds like a cranked amp, and comparing it to the DRD makes the DRD sound like a pedal. Again, I don't it's a very fair comparison though because they don't sound that similarly voiced to me.
Hearing the R was the first time I've ever thought that i could just have that one drive sound and be content. That's pretty insane coming from me because i've always had between 3-7 dirt pedals on my board at any given time. I'm not saying that I'm about to unload every other pedal i have, or even the DRD for that matter, but the R is just a really satisfying, unique sound that seems to work equally well for crunchy rhythms or lead work.