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Re: BearFoot

Sun May 08, 2011 9:35 am
by Your name here
I'd rather wait. I'd rather you were able to relax and enjoy the process of putting out the pedals, than feel obligated to be on the computer every second updating us. Yes, some of us are impatient, but maybe we need to chill out a bit. Lol.
Not to mention, you'd be hounded with complaints by disappointed people if something was uxexpectedly delayed or a particular release was cancelled for some reason. Besides, I think the wait might even be harder for me, if I knew what was coming out ahead of time. It'd be like knowing what all your Christmas presents were before opening them. Kinda ruins the surprise, anyway...
Re: BearFoot

Sun May 08, 2011 9:52 am
by cajone5
I think giving advanced notice of what you'll release will cause more harm than good. It will start all those wonderful "when are they finally going to release X" type of discussions which often turn into bitch-fests. It will probably also cause a flood of BJFe sales of the upcoming model which may not necessarily be a bad thing.... hm... Anyway, my vote is with "no wine before it's time" to reduce the hassle you face from impatient people ever so slightly.
Re: BearFoot

Sun May 08, 2011 1:20 pm
by rockeroo
I also think it is better for you to offer up the info closer to release (perhaps the day before or day of). Marketing-wise it works to your advantage, and there is no confusion as to what to expect from Bearfoot -- such as an announcement a week or two weeks in advance, an ambiguous time schedule.
I think an announcement the day prior to release would incite salivation and some spreading-of-the word so that on release day there is a fair amount of buzz.
Hope this helps, Donner.
Re: BearFoot

Sun May 08, 2011 2:43 pm
by thesjkexperience
Donner, you can PM me with what is coming next if others dont want to know. I am great with secrets!
I would like to know because I am in sell a pedal to buy a pedal mode and it gives me a little time to scrounge up the cash. Although I am mostly interested in the Model G, Model R, PGC and possibly the Sparkling Yellow OD.
Re: BearFoot

Sun May 08, 2011 6:39 pm
by coldfingaz
thesjkexperience wrote:Donner, you can PM me with what is coming next if others dont want to know. I am great with secrets!
I would like to know because I am in sell a pedal to buy a pedal mode and it gives me a little time to scrounge up the cash. Although I am mostly interested in the Model G, Model R, PGC and possibly the Sparkling Yellow OD.
I agree on all counts, including future interests.
As I mentioned on TGP, I ordered a DBD today so I'll be passing on the next BF offering in all likelihood.
I'm honestly a little puzzled by those that suggest announcing this... what, 2- 3 weeks (or less???) in advance could cause you problems. These people must have never seen the power of hype in action. I know it's an evil thing to want, but damn it... it does sell. That's marketing 101.
Particularly in today's economic climate, when people often plan out their purchases (& sales to accommodate future purchases) very carefully in many cases... I truly have no idea how a month or less advance notice could hurt at all.
Re: BearFoot

Sun May 08, 2011 8:43 pm
by jdandry
I like to plan for stuff. I would say that if you know what you got comming out. Tell us. I like the Mad Professor deal where they announce a pedal or pedals and give a about time. Donner said in another post that "requests and speculation have changed our release order at least twice so far". Stop listening to them, everyone want someting different, you guys should do what you feel is right...Donner and Bjorn know whats hot. We will love them all!
Re: BearFoot

Sun May 08, 2011 10:24 pm
by musicsoma
Yes, please let us know!

Re: BearFoot

Sun May 08, 2011 10:51 pm
by Joeleo
This is a tough one for me, because part of me (a BIG part of me) is really dying to know the release order. But really, I think it's been a lot of fun not knowing. I like what some have suggested: keep it a surprise until a day or two before release. That might be a happy medium.
Re: BearFoot

Tue May 10, 2011 12:39 am
by Carlos
Joeleo wrote:This is a tough one for me, because part of me (a BIG part of me) is really dying to know the release order. But really, I think it's been a lot of fun not knowing. I like what some have suggested: keep it a surprise until a day or two before release. That might be a happy medium.
im in the same boat. and its all part of the hysteria!!!

Re: BearFoot

Wed May 11, 2011 1:34 pm
by hawaii121
Donner wrote:So let me axe you all something...
Would you rather know what the next model is ahead of time or rather wait until they are actually available ??
I think we should figure out how to make a "day trader" run of all of this... There certainly seems to be a correlation between Bearfoot getting started and price spikes in BJFE stuff. I can run a multiple regression on the data and get back to everyone.... (sorry, stats is killing me right now)
How about 24 to 48 hour pre-notice/pre-order time for members?