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is there a key to BJFE pedals??

Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:47 am
by Carlos
is the best way to get the most out of one/any BJFE pedal pick attack, volume pot adjustments, voltage..................
i know the main thing is to experiment, but how do you get the most from you BJFE pedals?
Re: is there a key to BJFE pedals??

Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:07 am
by jonnyrocket
In my experience, it is best to get to know each pedal individually. Meaning, Guitar>BJF pedal>Amp. Experiment for a while to get the feel of the pedal. And when I am feeling i am getting a hang of how the pedal reacts on different settings, i start stacking it.
It has also been very helpful for me to come over to this forum on a daily basis and read. I find Bjorn’s corner and the the BJFE LIbrary extremely useful when wanting to learn about things such as buffers, EQ’s, pedal characteristics, etc.
Re: is there a key to BJFE pedals??

Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:08 pm
by Donner
and one common uncommon thing you will find are the consistantly superior playing dynamics available and it can take a bit to get fully used to having that kind of control in your picking hand......
Re: is there a key to BJFE pedals??

Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:30 pm
by thesjkexperience
I will add that you should also try doing things in an extreme way like going for minimum Drive and trying the Nature or Tone knob fully CCW or fully CW. Then take it step wise about 20 - 30 degrees turn and play a bit and do it for the full sweep of the knob. Just be VERY careful with the Volume knob as most are at 9 o'clock unity volume and can things can get crazy fast with boxes like the EGDM and MH!
The thing is I have had some of my pedals well over a year now and I still find new sounds depending on stacking, guitar, amp, cables, Voltages, etc.... And, dont be afraid to ask questions! I know a few people that have kept their model Hs after I had them try it at 12 Volts and I know I am finally starting to understand compressors thanks to Donner's advice. It is the art of science!
Re: is there a key to BJFE pedals??

Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:04 am
by Donner
yes also its helps alot if you can tune your ears to hear the 'Trinity' of Compression, EQ and Distortion in each pedal...... you can really begin to manipulate them to your advantage...
also the EQs all line up well so you can try crazy stacks....
a fun excercise is to take a bunch of your BJF drive pedals and turn them all on and lower them down to where you would normally run one drive pedals volume... and then just turn one knob and see what it does then another --- its really amazing to be able to stack 6 drive pedals and get a really useful tone from remixing the EQs and elements of the various pedals into something new............... really good for educating your ears too

Re: is there a key to BJFE pedals??

Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:27 pm
by Carlos
awesome, thanks guys! i plan to bleed you all dry of information........ mwahahahahahaha!
Re: is there a key to BJFE pedals??

Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:23 pm
by hawaii121
toledo window box, chips, beer, and total disregard for your neighbors

Re: is there a key to BJFE pedals??

Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:19 pm
by Donner
hawaii121 wrote:toledo window box, chips, beer, and total disregard for your neighbors

YUPPER !!! Theres your real secret !!
Re: is there a key to BJFE pedals??

Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:27 pm
by thesjkexperience
Is that a George Carlin reference?
Re: is there a key to BJFE pedals??

Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:49 am
by Donner
thesjkexperience wrote:Is that a George Carlin reference?