Fun new stack... the Llama Bee

Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:01 pm
by musicsoma
I was goofing around this morning and ran my HBOD into my Way Huge Red Llama and loved the sound! I turned the Nature on the Honey Bee almost all the way CCW to get a lot of thick low end as the Red Llama can almost be overbearing with the treble. Together they are a great match. It's a really fun stack, and if I could figure out how to record a decent demo I will post a video of my "Llama Bee".
Re: Fun new stack... the Llama Bee

Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:10 pm
by Donner
oh then you would love the HB into the DRD !!! stacking this way retains the picking dynamics of the HB but turns it into a dynamic flamethrower

Re: Fun new stack... the Llama Bee

Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:50 pm
by cedjazz
Yes, the DRD>HB is incredible. One of my faves. Very dynamic stack with controllable feedback just about anywhere on the neck.