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Mellow Yellow or Vibutron or ? - UPDATE - BJFe on the way!

Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:08 pm
by Your name here
So... I don't know what to do. I need a sweet sounding, old-school trem. I've played the Vibutron once and loved it. That was a looong time ago, though. I'm only going on memory. The Vibutron video on Youtube really typifies the sound I want... That's the problem - I love Bjorn's stuff, so my brain is telling me that the Mellow Yellow Trem (or a BJFe trem...Maybe I can beg Bjorn to make me one. Lol.) is one I probably would be happy with, but the demos I've heard haven't knocked me out. I can't buy both, then send one back. I'll have to audition them seperately. So, I was hoping to get a concensus here. Also, to complicate things... I saw this video of the ZCat Tremolo and really liked it

: do you guys think?
Re: Mellow Yellow or Vibutron... or ???

Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:57 pm
by Joeleo
Others can chime in if they feel differently, but it's always seemed to me that tremolo pedals aren't as finicky with people's rigs as, say, OD/Distortion pedals are. Which means that you can be reasonably confident that what you're hearing the trem pedal do in a youtube clip is much more representative of what it will sound like in your signal chain than listening to a PGS clip of Andy demoing some new dirt pedal. So basically, I would go with whatever your ear is telling you from the clips. Personally, of the three you mentioned, that zcat pedal sounded incredible to me and was my favorite.
Re: Mellow Yellow or Vibutron... or ???

Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:36 pm
by thesjkexperience
I just went through a Tremolo demo/purchase, but didnt try the MY because I wanted tap tempo and a break/speed function and I couldnt find a MY used to try out.
I eneded up demoing 4 tap tempo trems and came away with the Cusack tap a whirl V3. It does everything well or better! The second place pedal was the Diamond.
If I found a great deal on a MY I would still love to try it as it takes up less room by a little bit. The top mounted jacks on the Cusack do save board space.
Re: Mellow Yellow or Vibutron... or ???

Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:38 am
by Your name here
Thanks for the responses so far, you guys. Actually, I haven't really checked out the Cusack. I'll have to go do that. I'm actually leaning toward the ZCat so far... I don't really need complexity. I wouldn't mind it, but the tone is the most important thing. And it can't be big, like the Empress and Diamond...
Re: Mellow Yellow or Vibutron... or ???

Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:59 am
by Donner
some of my favorite trems (other than the big yellow one of a kind BJFe I love

) are the old Diaz Tremodilla(small box) , Telenordia (really warm sounding) , the Voodoo lab 4 knobber, and the (dont laugh) line6 Tone Core Trem (tap and evelope speed up and panning for stereo, yum)
Re: Mellow Yellow or Vibutron... or ???

Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:17 am
by Your name here
Well, I've given in and started searching for a Vibutron. I loved the sound of the ZCat, but I'm scared that because it's a digital trem (I think?) plus has probably zero resale value, I may end up with something I won't like in person and couldn't resell. I heard a few others that I liked the sound of for the most part on video, but they were physically too big or complicated. I kinda want features, but I know I won't use them...
So, I'm gonna get a Vibutron, and have John Fromel cram it into an MXR sized box. Hmm... I wonder if it'd fit into an Elfa K-430? Where would I even order those enclosures from, since I'm in the U.S.? Off to the internet......
Re: Mellow Yellow or Vibutron... or ???

Sun Aug 12, 2012 4:22 pm
by Your name here
To update this old thread... I've come full circle, it seems. I ended up getting the Vibutron and after living with it for a while, I decided that I didn't like how dark it made my tone, while engaged. So, I sold it and used my Bearfoot MGMV for trem-like sounds... Then I decided I still wanted straight-up trem... After more exhaustive Youtubing, I ended up getting the Cusack Tap-a-Whirl v3. It was fun, but alas - It had more features than I would ever use (even though I imagined that I would) and really just sounded a bit sterile to me. Good, but maybe a bit too hi-fi... So, I sold it and continued to use my Bearfoot MGMV; thinking I wouldn't buy another trem 'till my name came up on the Powerglide list. Then last night as I'm browsing the Emporium over at TGP, this beauty appears:

Needless to say, I snapped it up in a flash! It's hard to believe I'm finally getting the chance to try one of these. It's what I've really wanted all along, so I'm super excited! Full report to come in a few days....

Re: Mellow Yellow or Vibutron or ? - UPDATE - BJFe on the w

Sun Aug 12, 2012 4:39 pm
by cajone5

Re: Mellow Yellow or Vibutron or ? - UPDATE - BJFe on the w

Sun Aug 12, 2012 4:40 pm
by cannikin
thats amazing. Looking forward to a full report.
btw If it does suite your fancy, please let me know.
Re: Mellow Yellow or Vibutron or ? - UPDATE - BJFe on the w

Sun Aug 12, 2012 5:43 pm
by Your name here
Thanks, guys! I'm really hoping it's all I've imagined it to be...

* EDIT - The story continues here: