Pink Purple Fuzz and Model H now in the house!

I snagged these two babies a couple of weeks ago in the TGP Emporium, but have been travelling and haven't had much of a chance to give them a whirl:

My Honey Bee felt lonely all by itself, so now it has a Pink Purple Fuzz and Model H to keep it company!
My Model H is serial number 67, which is the subject of some controversy.
According to the Library on this site:
"it is from and including #070 that V2 of the circuit was implemented. BJ had to make a decision at #067 whether he would implement the V2 circuit and decided to slightly delay its implementation at #070"
Now it says v2 on the box.
Someone either here or on TGP wrote about this pedal: ""Thats one of three which are "half way to v2" circuitwise, originally sold via tgt11 i believe""
According to Ebenezer, who I bought this pedal from: "I actually emailed Bjorn about it and he said its actually a version 2, plain and simple."
Maybe Bjorn will pipe in here and clarify this, but I believe the info in the library about this pedal is wrong, and should be amended.
In any case, the Model H and Pink Purple Fuzz make a dynamic duo, and I am having a quite a bit of fun playing them!
Piglett loves the PPF because its color almost matches his skin color!:

My Honey Bee felt lonely all by itself, so now it has a Pink Purple Fuzz and Model H to keep it company!
My Model H is serial number 67, which is the subject of some controversy.
According to the Library on this site:
"it is from and including #070 that V2 of the circuit was implemented. BJ had to make a decision at #067 whether he would implement the V2 circuit and decided to slightly delay its implementation at #070"
Now it says v2 on the box.
Someone either here or on TGP wrote about this pedal: ""Thats one of three which are "half way to v2" circuitwise, originally sold via tgt11 i believe""
According to Ebenezer, who I bought this pedal from: "I actually emailed Bjorn about it and he said its actually a version 2, plain and simple."
Maybe Bjorn will pipe in here and clarify this, but I believe the info in the library about this pedal is wrong, and should be amended.
In any case, the Model H and Pink Purple Fuzz make a dynamic duo, and I am having a quite a bit of fun playing them!
Piglett loves the PPF because its color almost matches his skin color!: