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I just bought a BJFE LGW....

Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:16 pm
by ebenezer what am I in for? I assume some of you on this board have one and was wondering what you could tell me about the pedal. It's supposed to arrive sometime next week, so till than, tell me about yours. What do you use it for, soloing, boosting, crunch? What does it do well? Anything you have to offer on what it's like, and I'm game!
Re: I just bought a BJFE LGW....

Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:56 pm
by Donner
whats your amp tube / speaker compliment ?
SG is a real good front end into the LGW ...
Re: I just bought a BJFE LGW....

Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:08 pm
by ebenezer
Donner wrote:whats your amp tube / speaker compliment ?
SG is a real good front end into the LGW ...
I'm running my SG mostly into the Germino Massonette (a 6v6 version of a Plexi). Than from there I'm using either an old 1977 Marshall 4x12 slant with 4 Scumback M75 25watters or at church into my Rivera Silent Sister Iso cab with a 65 watt Scumback M75.
Re: I just bought a BJFE LGW....

Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:47 pm
by Donner
ebenezer wrote:Donner wrote:whats your amp tube / speaker compliment ?
SG is a real good front end into the LGW ...
I'm running my SG mostly into the Germino Massonette (a 6v6 version of a Plexi). Than from there I'm using either an old 1977 Marshall 4x12 slant with 4 Scumback M75 25watters or at church into my Rivera Silent Sister Iso cab with a 65 watt Scumback M75.
Yes this should work very well - I have a greenback in my Princeton Reverb and Run my Deluxe Reverb into a 2x12 w Greenbacks or my Plexitweed into the GBs ....
The LGW in this rig should give good rockish overdirve with out becoming compressed or too mid honky ...... and if you have a fuzz alittle bit run into the LGW will give more sustain and bite ............have fun
One thing to know is the middle knob is 'odd' - its not a standard treble rolloff tone knob - to the left of noon it adds bottom and then treble and to the right it effect is subtle ..... and its interactive withthe dirve control ..... have fun and experiment

Re: I just bought a BJFE LGW....

Fri Jan 14, 2011 6:40 pm
by ebenezer
Awesome, thanks Donner and sonictroubadour! I'm glad it doesn't have too much compression, but than too little is why I sold the Timmy. Oh well I'm sure i'll find a good place for it!
Re: I just bought a BJFE LGW....

Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:48 pm
by hawaii121
BJFE LGW is capable of very vocal overdrive - open that thing up and try out both chips at different voltages. Be sure to check the library section of this site to know the limits of each chip. In my experience the LGW is one of the most versatile BJFE drives, I'm sure you will love it.
Re: I just bought a BJFE LGW....

Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:40 am
by seans
I just got one too! Arrived in the post today and can't wait to try it tonight. It is number 072 and has the 272 chip in it. Will let you know how it is with my setup.
Re: I just bought a BJFE LGW....

Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:40 pm
by seans
Well I played with the LGW for a couple of hours tonight and I really like it. Loud, spanking bark of a sound. Complements my honeybee and Ht really well and is a great stacker. I have it after the Ht and before the HB Deluxe. The Baby Pink adds a lot of oomph and is great with it (mind you I haven't found an OD, distortion of fuzz that doesn't like the BP!). It cleans up really well and is more dynamic and less fizzy than the Ht. Love the mid hump and the body knob is awesome. CCW gives more of a treble and mid focus - and more of a mid hump - and CW gives more focus on the bass. My favourite setting was about 9 or 10 o'clock for my voxs. It has plenty of gain on tap but I prefer the Ht for higher gain settings. BJ's pedals are so often referred to as amps in little boxes and with the HB, LGW and the Ht, it really is like having three different amps!
I had a MP LGW a few years ago but I don't remember it being this good I must say. Perhaps its changes in my setup, acoustics in the room, or simply BJ's magic? Probable a bit of each!
Unfortunately there seems to be a bit of an issue with the switch. I'll try dismantling it and give it a good clean - hopefully that will sort it.
Re: I just bought a BJFE LGW....

Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:11 pm
by ebenezer
Sooo I've had a couple months with the BJFE LGW and its all smiles and sunshine from me! I bought it to replace my Model H V2. I really had nothing bad to say about the Model H, I just saw the LGW and GAS took care of the rest. The Model H that I had really did sound like a different amp. I totally agree that Bjorn's pedals give you the illusion that you are switching on and off different amps, not just pedals.
Anyway, now to the LGW. I have it running after my Turbo Tuner and before my Skreddy Zero. I am playing an SG through a Germino Masonette (a 6v6 plexi), and it really sounds like having a second channel on the amp. This pedal sounds the most like my amp, more than any other pedal. It's not too compressed, but also doesn't have a lack of just the right amount (enough to make it sound like the natural tube amp compression). I am totally sold on this pedal. If you have the means, I highly suggest picking one up

Re: I just bought a BJFE LGW....

Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:16 pm
by musicsoma
I could not agree more!