OK, I lied up above, so

I am calling the MH Vt the VT through the review as it has the new trimmer.
I picked up 8/12 and have been using it a lot since Saturday through a Swart AST PRO and a Bludotone "Real '59" 4x10 tweed Bassman. I have been using a used, but like new, LsL T-Bone which is a totally hand made/carved Tele with a 1" thick neck 7.25" radius and 6105 frets. Absolutely amazing!
I love the clarity and full bandwidth sound of the VT! While the Model H V1 has become my go-to pedal over the last few months I always feel the sound coming out is the auditory equivalent of a dirty windshield. I always want to peal away that dirt like the claratin drug commercial on YT, but the tone and the way it makes my Swart sound like a stack makes it worth it. It is far less noticeable the louder it gets. I have also been feeling the DRD, and especially the EGDM, sound fizzy and fake through the Bludotone Bassman which is why the MH is used so much.
Enter the VT. It does have some similarity to the EGDM, but without the fizz and it sounds so clear and true! I remembered when I joined discussing with Bjorn about putting a trimmer in the DRD as it can be fussy with singlecoils at volume. YMMV I guess that conversation bounced around Bjorn's brain a bit and came out in the MH in a fantastically realized pedal. But, I have to admit I haven't touched the trimmer as it is already perfect.
I do want to try the MH V2, but I think the VT hits modern Keith Richards tones perfectly, but the MH nails Honky Tonk Woman as it has a bit more girth. I do slightly prefer the MH through the Swart and the VT through the Bludotone since it has no lack of bottom end already. Turning the Tone control CCW can get closer to the MH, but the clarity of the VT makes a perfect match difficult.
I should mention that I have tended to run the MH at 12 Volts, but for comparison sake have been running both at 9 Volts. I think the VT sounds best at 9V and the MH sounds like a HBOD with more gain at 9V.
Bjorn, you got the MH VT about as perfect as a pedal can get.