About the cabs, I remember talking with Jukka and/or Harri about Privat Jack & Red Fang duo in 2x10 and 2x12 cabs, that I bought from MP. Somehow I ended up wit the Fangs. Really love them!
But now that brought up that PJ & RF duo thing, I got interested again..

Definitely, when you have the "Goldie"-set ready, share us with the picture, PLEASE!

I quickly tried to check about the article, I believe the magazine is: http://www.fuzz.se
Didn´t find it straight away, but I´ll check it out when I have more time!
melodichaotic wrote:Thanks HH75!
Yes, 4x12 cab in gold, with a special grill-cloth with strands of gold woven throughout(classy, not gaudy according to Harri, which should look real nice), truly PSYCHED about that, with a pair of Red Fangs, pair of Private Jacks as recommended personally by Bjorn, since he stated that both are complimentary, filling in each others "weaknesses" EQ-wise, and that combo would represent the CS-40 quite well... really looking forward to that.
Bjorn told me he wrote an extensive article for a Swedish magazine on speakers (available in Swedish only), that I'd really dig reading...have you read it?