Dynamic Orange Dog!!!! Righteous and most deserving of Epic.

Love the cut tree rings in the paint. Hmmm....Well, a two channel Dynamic Orange Overdrive?
Dynamic Orange Overdrive (DOOD) - Custom circuit in between the EGDM and LGW, leaning more towards the LGW (but not the same circuit). This pedal is considered one of the prototypes for the Sky Blue Overdrive (also see the Sunset Overdrive and Sunset Wonder below). The internal pot controls two things: how radiply the volume control on guitar will reduce output from guitar and upper resonance peak of the pick ups. Owners of the DOOD say that it sounds a lot like the final version of the SBOD but with less compression and is voiced slightly differently, kind of like a cross between a SBOD and LGW. Note: Only 2 of the DOODs where made but the DOOD and the Sunset Overdrive are exactly the same circuit (2 made)Paint is similar scheme as the Model R, although the Model R has just the amber on the bottom plate, not the sides, although:
BJFE Model R (MR) - 1 Teddy G "The Pirate"; built for the 2006 ToneFest in Chicago (40 made of a possible 99). This was originally designed with a Les Paul. Although a different circuit, this is considered a distortion version of the Dynamic Orange Overdrive. So maybe a combo of both overdrive and distortion for lead...what's the funky looking middle knob do???