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mikepick wrote:So the question is are there going to be anymore of these units available in the future. I am sure a few of us would like to get in on the madness. Man I think I need a twelve step program.
masterbuilt wrote:super cool
congrats! Would you let me know the difference between the SYOD V2 and the SKY BLUE OD/HONEY BEE?
mikepick wrote:Hey Cliff,
Have you had time to play with the pedal yet? If you could describe the trimmers and boost options. Of Course if you don't like the pedal I would be will to trade my arm, leg and some cash
cajone5 wrote:mikepick wrote:Hey Cliff,
Have you had time to play with the pedal yet? If you could describe the trimmers and boost options. Of Course if you don't like the pedal I would be will to trade my arm, leg and some cash
You're one of the lucky few who current have this pedal already (or at least its parts). So the Woody Orange Dual Overdrive (WODOD) is an SYODv2 and v1 (v2 > v1 stack) in a box. The left footswitch "Dist" is a master on/off switch that engages the effect and the right footswitch "Lead" toggles the v2 circuit on/off (v1 is always on). The circuits are in series and when engaged the v2 circuit acts as a pre-boost pushing v1. The knobs from left to right are Volume ("Master volume" = v1 circuit volume), Tone ("Master" Tone" = v1 Tone), R. Drive (v1 Drive) and L. Drive (v2 Drive/Boost). The external trimmer is the v2 Tone control and effectively controls the level of feedback that you get from the stack when v2 is engaged. Roll this up and the stack gets pretty nasty and has a lot of bite and treble. Roll it back a bit (which I prefer) and the Lead side gets thick and full while still maintaining string-to-string clarity. Finally there is an internal trimmer which I haven't really played with that adjusts the v2 volume. Just a note for clarity - the v2 "boost" circuit cannot be used independently.
As for my impressions, this thing totally lived up to my expectations and then some. It sounds just like the separate pedals stacked and has all the tweakability of the separate pedals but in a smaller (cooler) enclosure. I still haven't figured out a "favorite" setitng as there are SO MANY different noises that can come out of this box. I am a single coil player mostly so that's why I think I really gravitated to the SYOD twins. They seem to react really well to single coils and are very dynamic with my strat. I see this thing holding a pretty much permanent place on my pedal board since I haven't found another distortion pedal that beats these two stacked and I also like the bright & tight SYODv1 OD circuit as a great alternative to the darker HBOD (these two also stack incredibly well). So for me this combination really works and I've been enjoying the pedal quite a bit!
Mike - I'm not sure if you've tried stacking these but give it a shot with v2 into v1 and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. For a starting place try v2 at unity volume, about 11 o'clock on the tone knob and about 3 o'clock on the drive knob and the v1 just above unity volume, 9 o'clock on the tone and 1-2 o'clock on the drive.
Now I need to figure out how to arrange the bottom row of the board to fit this along with my SBMV, SWAW, FGC and HBOD... watch out "post your pedalboard" thread. Here I come
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