is it just me

Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:51 pm
by williamh
or did the price on DRD's just randomly shoot up a bit. Every one I've see in the past week on ebay/thegearpage have been around the $450-$500 mark. One listed on ebay today that has a BIN of close to $600. Do the prices of these pedals fluctuate this much typically?
Re: is it just me

Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:28 pm
by hawaii121
Pedal prices have been ALL OVER the place in the last year. I'm newer to the BJFE group and when I first started looking it was almost impossible to find anything under $450 and a lot of them were hitting and selling at the $500 mark.
Lately, the resale on everything has been bottoming out and current production pedals are going in the $300 range, but I wouldn't count on that lasting forever.
IMO, at it's only MO, I would say a fair price for a DRD in good condition would be around $400 +/- $50 in the current market. It's a really cool pedal and one of my favorites! Although I am curious about why bsic switched from the DRD to the H?...
Re: is it just me

Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:06 pm
by Donner
yeah I think they had gone about as low as they would and then people stop wanting to sell them so the used supply dries up and it goes back up again - its just one of the expressions of supply and demand --- ones things for sure - either prices will go up or they will go down

Re: is it just me

Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:44 pm
by williamh
I only bring it up because I know I'd seen a couple selling over on the gearpage for 350ish in the past month. It just seemed like a very quick jump in price is all. Strange to see things change that quickly.