I just got a PGC and SBEQ... WOW!!!

I've been lurking here for awhile now, soaking up the information and friendly vibes but haven't posted 'till now... After much research, I decided to start my BJFE adventure with a PGC and SBEQ (I'm also on the list for a HBOD and an EGDM). To put it simply, these two pedals together have taken an already phenomenal tone and made it completely beyond belief. As a side note, I plugged my bass player- who normally uses a board full of Boss and EXH- into my board as well and he sounded the best he ever has! So, you guys were right about everything...
In case anybody's wondering, I run my pedalboard through a Dr. Z Maz 18 Jr. NR 1x12 or an RxJr 1x12 mostly. Main guitars are a 1962 Strat, RI Japanese Jaguar or Prs McCarty... Anyway, thanks to Donner, Bjorn and all the rest of you for making this forum awesome. I'm looking forward spending alot of time here!