Hey Mike--I hear you and agree on the two--I did a few audio demos, but I'm not happy about the quality, and I'll re-do them and post next week.
Having won V2 last year and still digging it, it's great to have the new twins to compare, and am VERY glad and pleasantly surprised how much I love the vibe and attitude of V1, even with it's limited tonal range--it's that good where once you dial in the zone it sounds KILLER
The interesting thing I also found, is that my "older" V2, which has the super cool darker
yellow "LP Gold-Top look", is voiced kind of like the color--a bit fuller sounding, though with the same EQ profile, and not darker, but a bit mellowed in the high end.
Same gain range as the current V2, but this one I'm "borrowing"(will get this to you right after I re-do the demo "High Noon"

), sounds closer to V1 in that there is more treble content throughout the range of the treble pot, whereas my V2 I think has a wider scope of tonal voicings.
I found at lower gain settings(as you will here in the demo I do), the "matched pair" can sound quite similar at times, but once you get past noon on the gain, V1's fangs start coming out and makes itself known--conversely, my V2 has more of a distinct sound from V1...
THIS is the combo 1.5 voicing I'd like to hear/see--the extended tonal range of the older V2, with a little bit of "lift" in the EQ from V1 and the same gain as V1--THAT would be a nice combo where you could go from true
overdrive to distortion, but still with that gritty-ness to the texture.
..course, if there was a two stomp version with a boost to the front end of the circuit and a gain pot for the range on top, you could get both on the fly

...could call it the "Super
Sparkling Yellow Overdrive"

...that'd be nice