More TOP concerns :(

I have had my TOP since December and have pretty much set it to one sound I liked at moderate speed and never really needed to use it another way.
After getting that weird buzzing noise I highlighted in another thread, I changed my cables and re-wired my pedalboard. Still with George L's.
The buzzing went away and I couldn't make it come back. Until at practice last night it returned out of the blue. Sad times. I changed out to using non George Ls and it has happened with them. I have no idea what it could be.
So anyway, I was looking at some TOP demo videos online when I started to notice that the speed settings people have demos are a lot slower than the speeds I can get. As in my pedal set to it's slowest is faster then other demos I have heard at their slowest.
To hear what I mean, here is a quick sound clip of me plugging the TOP into Guitar Rig and playing some chords at the MINIMUM speed setting on my pedal. Mix is fully counter clockwise and resonance is at 12 o clock.
Towards the end of the clip I rotate the speed setting to max, and for the very end back to it's absolute slowest.
Is my pedal not a lot faster?
Is this odd behaviour? I think I should just look into sending the pedal back and get a replacement. Shame because it is a fantastic sounding pedal.
After getting that weird buzzing noise I highlighted in another thread, I changed my cables and re-wired my pedalboard. Still with George L's.
The buzzing went away and I couldn't make it come back. Until at practice last night it returned out of the blue. Sad times. I changed out to using non George Ls and it has happened with them. I have no idea what it could be.
So anyway, I was looking at some TOP demo videos online when I started to notice that the speed settings people have demos are a lot slower than the speeds I can get. As in my pedal set to it's slowest is faster then other demos I have heard at their slowest.
To hear what I mean, here is a quick sound clip of me plugging the TOP into Guitar Rig and playing some chords at the MINIMUM speed setting on my pedal. Mix is fully counter clockwise and resonance is at 12 o clock.
Towards the end of the clip I rotate the speed setting to max, and for the very end back to it's absolute slowest.
Is my pedal not a lot faster?
Is this odd behaviour? I think I should just look into sending the pedal back and get a replacement. Shame because it is a fantastic sounding pedal.