Re: More TOP concerns :(

Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:14 pm
by cajone5
Bummer - best of luck and hopefully it's all worked out quickly!
Re: More TOP concerns :(

Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:46 pm
by Donner
The Luke wrote:They said because I have had it for 8 months they will look at repairing it first with MP and leave it up to MP whether it requires repaired or replaced.
I should probably call back tomorrow and push for a replacement.
The noise has happened in a few different rooms and the TOP is powered by a PP2+. Quite odd.
screw the noise - it has the wrong pot/ faulty build = replacement
but see what they say
Re: More TOP concerns :(

Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:04 am
by The Luke
The pedal has been collected.
The shop were not particularly helpful and seemed a little confused. Technically, under the Sales of Goods act here, if something develops a fault within six months the assumption is that the fault was present at the time of sale unless the seller can prove otherwise. After six months, the burden of proof falls on the consumer - in this instance it is obvious as the pedal has the wrong parts.
So, I am legally entitled to request a replacement or repair. The guy on the phone said it was up to the manufacturer to sort out under warranty, I said no, it is legally your responsibility to sort out regardless of warranty, so please send me a replacement. He put me on hold, came back and said ok, but they still need to get in touch with the manufacturer as they don't have anything to replace it with, but I will definitely be getting a replacement.
Good times. I actually quite excited for it - it's like getting a new pedal with speed features I never realised existed lol
Re: More TOP concerns :(

Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:34 am
by Donner
Yup, if your right stand your ground and politely give them a chance to make it right ---- handbuilt things involve humans and even the best humans make mistakes --- if the service people are the problem then they also can correct their mistakes

Re: More TOP concerns :(

Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:50 am
by The Luke
I forgot to update this thread

Anyhow, it took a month to get back, but Bjorn tells me he thinks my TOP was looked at by the MP technical director.
Either way, I have my old chassis back - I can't say what has been changed internally, but my TOP works wonderfully. It phases slowly and does not have the strange buzzing it did before.
Good times