BJFE Pedal Gallery

Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:23 pm
by mrpicard
This thread has been replaced by this:
Info: BJFE Pedal Gallery
Re: BJFE Pedal Gallery

Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:10 pm
by DocRock

Re: BJFE Pedal Gallery

Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:07 pm
by mrpicard
If anyone knows what the "Unknown" items are at the end that would be greatly appreciated

Re: BJFE Pedal Gallery

Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:21 am
by Donner
lets see on the last page is
JofZs Kuma Fuzz (I painted t he box from a pic of his much loved dog 'Kuma' that past away and he wanted to commemorate him) its a Folk Fuzz same as the first batch of swirlies...
the unpainted one is the Mystoury Box which first held the SYOD proto and then the SWF proto
the bottoms are
LAW is the Little Apricot Wonder....
the fox is the Little Orange Wonder I think
the Emerald Green Echomachine with the riegndeer Donner)
the Wooden Trem is t he troll with t he big earring
Re: BJFE Pedal Gallery

Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:23 am
by DocRock
Re: Unknowns.
The last one is a delay pedal (non-BJF, but I forget which model) that Bjorn had re-boxed for Donner a long time ago. "Donner's Emerald Green Echo Machine."
Third from last is the LAW ... Little Apricot Wonder, which is its own thing, not to be confused with LGW.
Sixth from the last is the Mystoury Fuzz, which was the initial "research" version of the SWF. It was initially used to house the research version of the SYOD, which travelled around as the Mystoury Drive.
Have fun

Re: BJFE Pedal Gallery

Wed Jul 16, 2008 2:05 am
by mrpicard
Wow, that is excellent guys!!! Well done

Now, does anyone know this one?

Re: BJFE Pedal Gallery

Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:38 am
by Donner
that is the Dyna Blue Distortion #2 made for Tommy Foytek (Tasty Riffs 101) after I loaned him #1
DBD #1 was in the opaque blue like BBOD
#2 is in the trans blue like SBEQ --- (this was about the time of the switch from opaque colors /SBEQ #1 is BBOD blue also )
#1 got an internal pot that was later brought to the top during its rebirth as 'Sunset Wonder' one of the SBOD 'protosteps'
DBD 1 and 2 and SW all have Evas wonderful 'Garbo sunbathing' drawing
Re: BJFE Pedal Gallery

Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:14 pm
by Cobra
The LAW (Little Apricot Wonder) is indeed an LGW, but it's not a stock unit... The name & color are different, as is the art inside the enclosure & the box it came in. The circuit is the same as an LGW, but the component values were carefully selected for the best tone, & stacking with another LGW & a DRD. It has a little more gain on tap than a standard LGW which comes on quicker, & it also has more upper mids & highs...
It sounds fantastic by itself, but it really shines as a dirtbox stacker, either as a pre-driver, or as a flavorizer at the end of the dirtchain.
It kills in front of an EGDM too...
PGC>LAW>DRD is my ultimate, endless sustain, modern lead, legato Satch style tone stack...
Toss in a little filter or phase, & a little delay on top = outer space! Love it!