Does anyone have any high-quality photos of the early pedals or of the ones that were painted in nitrocellulose? The photos I have in the Gallery are very small and of low quality so I would like to upgrade those if I can.
Also, in order to be complete, can anyone send me photos of any of the following pedals or backplates? I might as well try and get the Gallery to be as complete as I can

. It is nice to get all the different versions and paint jobs. Anyway, I am missing the following:
Baby Blonde Overdrive
Baby Blue Deluxe Overdrive (backplate only)
Baby Blue Super Deluxe Overdrive (backplate only)
Baltic Blue Distortion
Baltic Blue Fuzz
Big Daddy J Fuzz (backplate only)
Big Purple Fuzz
BlueBerry Fuzz
Candy Orange Wonder
Candy Red Distortion
Candy Red Wonder
Cherry Red Overdrive
Coal Booster (backplate only)
Concreto Distortion
DocRocks Distortion (backplate only)
Donner's Digital Delay (backplate only)
Dyna Blue Distortion
Dynamic Orange Distortion (blackplate only)
Dynamic Orange Overdrive
Folk Fuzz 3,5% (backplates)
Folk Phaser
Green Apple Fuzz (backplate only)
Green Hornet Overdrive (backplate only)
Holy Grail Reverb Reboxed (backplate only)
Katrina Auction MiniVibe
Kuma Fuzz (backplate only)
Li'l Liam Fuzz (backplate)
Little Apricot Wonder (front only)
Little Green Emphaser
Little Orange Wonder (front only)
Little Red Compressor (backplate only)
Maestro Fuzz-Tone FZ-1A (backplate only)
Mighty Blue Overdrive (backplate only)
Pink Apple Fuzz (backplate only)
Purple Plum Phaser (backplate only)
Red Dyna Distortion and Baby Blue Overdrive Duo (backplate only)
Red Rooster Booster (backplate only)
Sea Green EQ
Sepiqua Sough (backplate only)
Shamus Blue Overdrive
Single Berry Overdrive (backplate only)
Sparkling Blue EQ (backplate only)
Sparkling Orange Overdrive
Sparkling Red Fuzz (backplate only)
Sunset Overdrive
Sunset Wonder
Tasty Apple Fuzz
Tea Green EQ (backplate only)