Re: SYOD v1 vs v2 : The Reviews

Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:39 pm
by SteveA
I actually posted clips of both v1 and v2 at different settings. You'll notice that on my amp and with single coils, v1 sounds a little harsh in the treble whereas v2 is much more controlled in the upper range. Listen to the differences in clips where the gain is at 50 or 100 as well. You'll notice differences in the blend of the raw and distorted signal on both.
Re: SYOD v1 vs v2 : The Reviews

Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:02 am
by Realfi
Hi all.
Long time since I've dropped in so I'm just hearing of the V2 SYOD. I had an early V1 and while I really liked aspects of it I found the upper mids a little much with my AC30 and my Telecaster bridge pickups. It sounds like the V2 would be more to my liking. I imagine it would stack pretty well with the Timmy and Klon that are pretty much fixtures on my board?
Really liking my MP Deep Blue Delay btw. It's voiced really nicely for use in front of the amp with overdrives.
Re: SYOD v1 vs v2 : The Reviews

Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:07 am
by mrpicard
Sorry, I could not hold it back any longer and had to say this..., I love reading this thread..