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BJFE PGC favorite settings?

Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:01 pm
by hawaii121
Hello - I just picked up a PGC and have been playing around with it - in front of other pedals, at the end of the chain, tweeking the nature, etc. What are some favorite places and setting out there? Thanks!
Re: BJFE PGC favorite settings?

Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:13 pm
by SteveA
PGC is great. It really opens up your sound to a different level. I mean everything is crispy, clear, and open sounding. I find my best setting are V=10 B=5 C=12 (slightly less than noon). You can always ad it after a really loud distortion to tame things a bit and it does that well too. To be honest, I already miss my SBEQ

It really added a lot to my rig. Alas.
Re: BJFE PGC favorite settings?

Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:01 pm
by bsic
So, what do compressors do- they even out the peaks and decrease loud volume spikes. Now, for BJFE drive pedals, they operate EXCEPTIONALLY well in reaction to pick attack- so I do NOT put my PGC before drive pedals. Personally I find it can even out your dynamics and can take away a big part of what I love about these drive pedals!!
Some like compressers first in the chain, at a low compression setting as it still allows some dynamics to come through.
I like compressors to add sustain- mild settings, that increase sustain add sparkle to the upper mids.. but dont squash dynamics like an OS. Your drive pedals see the uncompressed guitar level without any compromise - but you still get the sustaining effect of the compressor by having it after drive.
Remember the pedals later in your chain color the overall sound more- and the PGC has some cool sparkle to add here.
I use mine during lead parts and during clean parts, but run it AFTER drive- body at around 1:00 to add a little more shimmer, and compression at ~11:00 or slightly lower so that the sound doesnt get too punchy. On higher levels of compression with the PGC my low E string loses its punch and attack and I dont particularly like that. However for two songs our band does that have funky rhythm parts, I reach down and crank up the compression to about 3:00.
Re: BJFE PGC favorite settings?

Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:11 pm
by hawaii121
I am glad that bsic posted that - he was really cool about helping me with that information as I am learning the PGC. I have never used compression until picking up a Durham SexDrive (really cool clean boost/mild compression) and the BJFE PGC is much more subtle than the Durham.
A few pages back there's a post from Bobby D that talks about the PGC being similar to the CAF in that a few micro clicks on the nature can lead into a whole different kind of compression. I guess my question in this thread was related to both the generic and that subtlety.
Truth of the matter is; I dove in quick and deep with my BJFE experience. After owning a TOP for about a year (which I love), I bought the HBOD and the BJFE LGW and that was all she wrote (In addition to the TOP, I now own 6 BJFE including a new MGMV that just arrived)... I think each of these pedals require a much greater learning period that any other effects I have ever used (save for some insane delay pedals with 50 page manuals). All the tweeking of the BJFE has lead me back to a whole new layer of discovery with the TOP.
I really appreciate how well this forum flows and the cordial posting behavior. Thanks!