been lurking here a while and finally joined up
anyways thought I'd share this

Just had a major revelation with the LGW and BBOD
Donner suggested this combo as a D style sound/feel and well, he ain't wrong
I like the BBOD a lot, but it is particular what you use it with guitar/amp wise, even so its a keeper, cos when its happening its great.
However the LGW I found to be a bit too Hi Fi for a TS, and preferred my old pull comp cut FD2 for TS style duties.
So I thought I'd sell the LGW.
As you do, just before seeing it go, I thought I'd give Donner's stack recommendation a go
and it just blew me away.
Nice saturated sustain that just sounds full and big without needing to be actually louder than the clean sound.
and there's quite a good dynamic range when rolling back the guitar vol or just playing lighter.
I had heaps of fun dialing in the sound by playing around with the body dials of each pedal, and I think that that may be the secret to the D sound. ie one gain stage has a certain eq accent (say low mids) while the next in line has another different eq accent (hi mids) which gives you a fuller tone (I'm just making this bit up here, could be completely wrong)
Some settings would, with just real small changes, suddenly create smooth and even endless sustain, all the while not sounding "distortiony" if you know what I mean

anyways, I've stacked ODs before (tim>>hbod, FF>>hbod) but with this stack the sum far outshines the parts.
If you got these 2, or even the BBOD and any TS, give it a go, its a great sound and heaps of fun