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advice on a deal...if you would :-)

Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:33 pm
by jdandry
ok, tell me what you guys think...
I got offered a Alessandro Black N' Tan head worth about $2300 for my marshall that I have on the buy and sell board. The marshall is LOUD and I never get to use it. Soo...Completed auctions of old Marshalls on ebay has about 3 or 4 of the same amp 70-72' small box 50s. And only one sold at $2200. the others didn't sell for even $1900. So I could get the Alessandro ( even trade, maybe even money to me) ..Class A, 15w, 2x EL34 or 6L6 or KT66, 2 6SL7 pre and tube reverb. Perfect volume for my band ( I use a 14watt Gibson tweed right now) and I've heard they sound unbelieveable but if I didn't like the Alessandro I could sell it for $2000 or so and buy another old Marshall. With the Alessandro I could listen to my super expensive amp every gig and not just look at it in my room.
Thanks for your thoughts!
Re: advice on a deal...if you would :-)

Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:22 pm
by ptbarnum
Never heard the amps in question, but, one you'll use is always more valuable in my book.

Re: advice on a deal...if you would :-)

Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:43 am
by jdandry
yea, I really don't need over 15 watts or so BUT someone offered me a 65' AC30TB. That might be cool.
Re: advice on a deal...if you would :-)

Fri Apr 30, 2010 2:20 am
by jfromel
I have been playing 18 watt amps for the last few years now, you would be hard pressed to convince me to go back to a 50 or 100.
Re: advice on a deal...if you would :-)

Fri Apr 30, 2010 6:30 am
by Strat-o-lux
I'll climb onboard this train. How many guys I know who have 100w Marshalls that never leave the house. What use is that? Or they make themselves unpopular by bringing way too much amp to the gig.
The trade you describe sounds good to me, assuming you think you'll like the Alessandro.
Re: advice on a deal...if you would :-)

Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:06 am
by Donner
What do you use your amps for ?
Amplification or Dirt ?
I usually run a clean amp and get dirt from pedals - so speakers are actually more important to me than amps (except for the clean headroom part)
The Alessandros have beautiful high end and lots of harmonic detail so you may find yourself on a new speaker chase soon.....
Yeah those big loud amps were made for filling rooms by themselves - today if you can , micing is much preferred for band mixing as long as you can hear yourself smaller usually makes more sense ....
as always consider your situation...............
Re: advice on a deal...if you would :-)

Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:26 am
by jdandry
I use my amps for dirt. I did the clean amp with pedals thing and never found the right pedal.
I currently use a 14watt 60' Gibson like the one I'm selling live into a 1x12 Vox silver Alnico 12" reconed with a
Tonetubby Hemp cone. I use my volume control to control for cleans. I made the decision because I use overdrive about 95% of the time in my band and pedals just didnt cut it but the Gibson 6V6 overdrive into the G12 is the perfect volume and is pure, open and cleans up pretty good. I use my BJFE stuff for leads. So, the Alessandro is 15w...either 2xEL34, KT66 or 6l6. 2 6SL7 pre and I already have the OLD 20w VOX speaker, and it has a 12AT7 tube reverb. (i attached a pic of the amp).
I do mic my amp so 12-15ws is perfect. I think I'm going to do it... Also the Black N' Tan is voiced for plexi Marshall tones with the 34s & 66s.
They have vintage Marshalls all over the bay, I can always get another, maybe a better one.
Re: advice on a deal...if you would :-)

Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:07 pm
by Donner
yeah you should get alot more use out of the A ....
good friend of mine went thru most of the Alessandro line a few years ago and I got to hear most of them ---- he ran two in stereo - beautiful sound ..... yup they had that plexi highend thats very addictive and the BJFs should flow tthru tthat very nicely

Re: advice on a deal...if you would :-)

Tue May 04, 2010 2:00 pm
by jdandry
OK, I did the deed...Marshall shipped today in trade for the Alessandro!
Re: advice on a deal...if you would :-)

Tue May 04, 2010 10:18 pm
by thesjkexperience
That amp looks purty! I havent heard of an amp before that takes both el-84 and 6L6 (did I read that right?) I too prefer to get at least some dirt from the amp and the great thing is, as you know, BJFe works just as well with a clean amp as one jumping off the chair.
It sure was fun back in the day to have a half stack or my old Boogie MKIIB 1`x12 stack cranked, but if my Dad is any indication of where my hearing is going I need to be careful. My little guys run with my Orbit stereo out into the Nova stereo in and out sounds even better. It could also be that all I had before was a Cry Baby and a late 70's big muff and now I dont.
Have fun with that machine!