Re: BJFE= or ≠Mad Professor ?????

SteveA wrote:Sometimes Mad Professor pedals start out as BJFe pedals. Once the circuit goes through some changes and people give in feedback, it ends up being transferred into the MP line. That was the case for the MP LGW and the upcoming MP Ruby Red Booster.
mikepick wrote:SteveA wrote:Sometimes Mad Professor pedals start out as BJFe pedals. Once the circuit goes through some changes and people give in feedback, it ends up being transferred into the MP line. That was the case for the MP LGW and the upcoming MP Ruby Red Booster.
Does anyone know when the MP Ruby Red Booster is going to be released? This one sounds interesting.
mikepick wrote:SteveA wrote:Sometimes Mad Professor pedals start out as BJFe pedals. Once the circuit goes through some changes and people give in feedback, it ends up being transferred into the MP line. That was the case for the MP LGW and the upcoming MP Ruby Red Booster.
Does anyone know when the MP Ruby Red Booster is going to be released? This one sounds interesting.
Strat-o-lux wrote:As has already been stated, these are two very different ODs. I find the either/or comparison almost pointless. Not only are they tonally different in a big way, the responsiveness and 3rd knob function is significantly different. Different, not better or worse.
I own both, use one or the other depending on the particular music I'm playing and the other gear I've chosen for a particular gig. I find myself going to the SHOD more often then the HB, but only because I find it a bit more versatile for the stuff I happen to be currently playing.
Here is a comparative demo posted a while back And here is an audio comparison (with some tasty licks) on Huckleboogie's soundclick page (MP Prototype is the SHOD)
Like all of Bjorn's creations, these two fully reveal themselves only after you've put in some time with them. The interaction of the controls and response to playing dynamics is complex. These truly are tools for musicians.
Buy them both